Angular unconformity with Santa Fe Group sediments overlying tilted Mesozoic rocks
Image taken:
by: Adam Read
Longitude: -106.836105
Latitude: 35.501073
(WGS 84 or NAD 83)
About this image
The San Ysidro Anticline is a very popular site for geology field camps because the structure is interesting, and the exposure of Mesozoic stratigraphy is excellent. This photograph, taken on the east limb of the anticline, shows tilted Jurrassic Morrison formation rocks, capped by the white Jackpile member, that are overlain by the Cretaceous Dakota formation. Santa Fe Group rift-fill sediments deposited over the tilted Mesozoic rocks form the prominant angular unconformity.
Camera Details
Google Pixel 3a Pixel 3a back camera 4.44mm f/1.8 Exposure: 4.44 mm (35mm equiv: 27mm) f/1.8 1/7804 sec ISO 74.
Image posted: 06-14-2022