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Pannorama of the Wild and Scenic Rio Chama

Image taken: 09/12/2020
by: Adam Read
© 2020

Longitude: -106.700958
Latitude: 36.468314
  (WGS 84 or NAD 83)

About this image

The Rio Chama is a major tributary of the Rio Grande. It flows through a canyon that exposes much of the Mesozoic section in north-central New Mexico. The river also carries water diverted from the San Juan river. This trans-basin diversion from the Colorado River system provides surface water to the cities of Santa Fe and Albuquerque as well as farmers in the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District.

For more information about the Rio Chama, see our guidebook:
The Rio Chama: A River Guide to the Geology and Landscapes

— Paul W. Bauer, Matthew Zimmerer, J. Michael Timmons, Brigitte Felix, and Steve Harris, 2021

Image posted: 04-20-2022