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Postcards from the Field

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Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. Annual Conference 2024 Phoenix, AZ
March 11, 2024

The Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. (SME) held their annual conference the week before last in Phoenix, AZ. SME is the international professional society for the mining industry. This year, New Mexico Tech sent 28 students and six professors and staff, many of whom work on NMBGMR-sponsored projects.

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Metamorphic rocks in the Picuris Mountains
February 8, 2024

Outcrops of metamorphosed sedimentary rocks are exposed in the Picuris Mountains, north of NM Highway 75 and west of Dixon. Protoliths originate from the Yavapai accreted terrane from approximately 1.7 billion years ago.

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Cretaceous sedimentary rocks along the Rio Puerco near Cabezon Peak
February 8, 2024

I volunteered to lead one day of the 2024 NMGS field trip, which will be based out of Bernalillo and focusing on the “nexus” of three physiographic provinces: the Rio Grande rift, southern Rocky Mountains (i.e., Nacimiento Mtns), and the southeastern Colorado Plateau. The day I am leading, we will go down the middle Rio Puerco Valley near Cabezon. Larry Crumpler (NM Museum of Natural History) will lead two stops focusing on the Rio Puerco volcanic necks near Cabezon Peak. My stops pertain to Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, Holocene geomorphic processes, and how climate change and geomorphic processes, namely arroyo cutting, have affected the groups of people that lived along the Rio Puerco in the past (i.e., Hispanic farmers and Ancestral Puebloans).

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Eureka copper mine, Nacimiento Mountains mining district, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
January 5, 2024

Many people have heard of the Nacimiento sedimentary-hosted copper mine, in the Nacimiento Mountains east of Cuba, but another copper mine found high on the cliff (approximately 9000 ft elevation) east and above the Nacimiento mine is the Eureka mine. It is challenging to find and requires a 4-wheel drive vehicle and hiking.

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Evan Owen
Carbonate rocks in New Mexico
April 17, 2023

Limestone and dolomite are carbonate sedimentary rocks generally formed in marine settings from the precipitation of calcium in seawater, often via biological processes. Limestones are rich in the calcium carbonate minerals aragonite and calcite, while dolomite contains the mineral dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). These rocks may preserve fossils, helping geologists to determine the age of carbonate-containing formations. The porosity of some carbonate rocks can make them efficient petroleum reservoirs. Carbonate rocks are also excellent hosts for some types of ore deposits, such as Mississippi Valley Type lead-zinc deposits.

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Rachel Hobbs
Water Data Initiative team takes field trip to Pecos Valley Artesian Conservation District
April 17, 2023

WDI is currently collaborating with the Pecos Valley Artesian Conservancy District (PVACD) to build web applications to help manage and share data in the Pecos Valley region of southern New Mexico. This work is part of a U.S. Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART applied science cooperative grant, which began in 2020.

In January 2023, The WDI team went to Roswell, New Mexico to visit the PVACD to learn in-person about details of their data workflow challenges and day-to-day operations related to water data. This visit also included getting feedback on some new applications WDI has in development.

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NM Bureau of Geology hosts the USGS during sample collection at the Copper Flat Mine near Hillsboro New Mexico
April 17, 2023

Just before the winter break, Bureau of Geology and NM Tech staff and students hosted the US Geological Survey (USGS) during field work related to the critical minerals in mine wastes project. Co-Principal Investigators Dr. Virginia McLemore, Senior Economic Geologist and Bonnie Frey, Chemistry Lab Manager, along with other Bureau staff joined by Dr. Dan Jones, Geobiologist with NMT’s EES department and numerous students collected rock, water, and bio samples at the Copper Flat Mine near Hillsboro NM. USGS geologists Robert Seal and Kate Campbell-Hay observed our field procedures as part of future work. The NM Bureau of Geology

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Virginia McLemore
Are mine dumps in NM a source for critical minerals?
April 17, 2023

Not only do geologists collect waters from the surface and wells, but we occasionally collect water samples from underground adits. An adit is a flat or slightly declining underground tunnel with only one entrance to the surface that miners use to access the ore body, generally to remove ore. When mining stops, the adits locally flood. In the Critical Minerals in Mine Wastes project funded by the U.S. Geological Survey, we are examining mine wastes for their critical mineral concentrations.

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Polvadera Peak
April 17, 2023

Located in the Lemitar Mountains 5 miles west of the village of Lemitar, 7,292-feet-high Polvadera Peak is neither the highest nor most isolated mountain in Socorro County. However, its location in the central Rio Grande Rift gives anyone standing on its summit an incredible view of many geologic features of the rift and surrounding provinces, including the Rocky Mountains, High Plains, Colorado Plateau, and Mogollon-Datil Volcanic Field.

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Snir Attia
Tracing igneous rocks into the High Plains
April 17, 2023

Over several weeks in November, I have been visiting a set of dikes, sills, and plugs that outcrop across eastern New Mexico. These igneous rocks represent the easternmost magmatism related to the past 350 million years of tectonic activity responsible for shaping what is now western North America!

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Dan Koning
Geologic model of hydrostratigraphic units under the northwestern Albuquerque Basin
October 28, 2022

I am drawing on my experience in mapping the badlands northwest and west of Rio Rancho to make a geologic model of hydrostratigraphic units (HSUs) under the northwestern Albuquerque Basin. Hydrostratigraphic units are differentiated based on inferred groundwater-related properties of an aquifer, like permeability or porosity, as opposed to strictly outcrop-related criteria used to differentiate lithostratigraphic units.

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Up close and personal with the real squished clasts of the Funzie Conglomerate
August 10, 2022

The Funzie conglomerate started off as a thick package of pebbles, cobbles, and boulders within a sandy matrix that were eroded off of an immense mountain range formed during the Caledonian orogeny, a relatively early phase of the larger collision between what are now the eastern and southern edges of North America and parts of Europe and South America. This broader event shaped the geology of much of North America, including the Appalachians and the Ancestral Rocky Mountains uplifts! As the Caledonian orogeny progressed, the sediments of the Funzie were buried and deformed. However, the total penetrative strain that these rocks accumulated varied in space due to heterogeneous deformation (see figure). These differences are recorded in the shape of clasts, that is the clasts act as strain markers.

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Snir Attia
Squished clasts show how rocks flow at the base of faults
August 5, 2022

Close to the earth’s surface, rocks undergo brittle deformation by breaking and sliding along faults when subjected to external forces like when continents collide or break apart. However, just ~15 kilometers beneath the surface, higher temperature and pressure cause rocks to flow in response to these same forces and undergo ductile deformation. At these depths, the mineral grains and clasts that make up rocks accumulate penetrative strain and change shape, allowing the entire rock to also change its shape! The depth where the change in deformation style takes place is called the brittle-ductile transition.

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Kevin Hobbs
Erosion and soil loss in the San Juan Basin
May 6, 2022

In sandstone-dominated highlands of the San Juan Basin in northwestern New Mexico, many landscapes are in transition from soil-mantled forested slopes to unvegetated slickrock slopes. This process is altering the hydrology and ecology of the region. In the first photographs, a mature Ponderosa pine has been undercut by arroyo incision, showing the depth of soils in the area (about 2 meters) as well as the gradational weathering of the region's sandstone bedrock (in this case, the Ojo Alamo Sandstone). This rock weathering creates a geological product called saprolite that has properties of both rock and soil. As in many environments, there is no distinct dividing line between rock and soil here. Note how the tree's roots preferentially follow weak fractures in the top of the bedrock - an excellent reminder of the important role that plants take in turning rock into sediment! Since this photo was taken in 2014, this tree has toppled into the arroyo.

The final photograph shows a landscape that has lost practically all soil cover. Small trees, grasses, and shrubs still persist in fractures and low spots, but the landscape is largely unvegetated. Summer rainstorms generate intense runoff since the precipitation cannot soak in through the bare rock as it would through a soil. These runoff events lead to further erosion and soil loss, creating a positive feedback loop; i.e., less soil leads to more runoff, which leads to less soil.

— Kevin Hobbs, Field Geologist, NMBGMR

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Rapakivi syenite dikes in the Gallinas Mountains
February 11, 2022

When visiting geologists come to New Mexico, we take them into the field, even in January. Dr. Tapani Rämö is from the Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki and spent a day in the field in the Gallinas Mountains, Lincoln County with Dr. McLemore. Rapakivi syenite sills intrude Permian limestone and sandstone along a closed road in the Gallinas Mountains, Lincoln County, New Mexico. The Finnish word “rapakivi” means disintegrated or crumbly rock or stone and denotes the tendency of certain rapakivi granite types to disintegrate more easily than other granitic rocks of southern Finland (type area of rapakivi granite). Rapakivi texture in the Finnish rapakivi granites is characterized by ovoidal alkali feldspar megacrysts mantled by sodic plagioclase and presence of short-prismatic quartz crystals.

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