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New Mexico Mineral Symposium — Abstracts

The marvelous agates of Luna County, New Mexico

Fred Hurd and Chris Cowan

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Ask any serious mineral collector what mineral specimen they would most covet from New Mexico and the almost universal reply would be Kelly smithsonite. However, ask any serious agate collector the same question and their almost unanimous response would be Baker Eggs from Luna County. Recent articles and editorials in the Mineralogical Record and Rock and Mineral magazines and other publications have drawn attention to outstanding agates and their collectability as serious mineral specimens. Anyone who is following the escalation in prices of fine minerals knows that exceptional minerals including fine agates are commanding higher and higher prices. This is a good time to take a closer look at what has been regarded as the stepchildren of the mineral world.

The area around Deming, New Mexico, has been known as a source for a variety of wonderful agate nodules and geodes for the past 60 yrs or more. It is home to the only state park in the country where rock hounds are allowed and encouraged to collect rocks. The Baker Egg mine in southern Luna County is well established as the source of some of the finest thunder eggs in the world. The Big Diggin's claim has produced a great variety of top quality vein agates. The Cooke's Peak area has produced its share of quality agates. This talk will be an overview of these areas and the agates they have produced. Hopefully participants will come away from this talk with a greater appreciation for some of New Mexico's most beautiful natural treasures.

pp. 36

30th Annual New Mexico Mineral Symposium and 1st Annual Mining Artifact Collectors Association Symposium
November 14-15, 2009, Socorro, NM
Print ISSN: 2836-7294
Online ISSN: 2836-7308