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Bureau to hold virtual Rockin’ Around New Mexico

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Socorro, NM
June 10, 2020

Calling all teachers! The New Mexico Bureau of Geology will host the 24th Annual Rockin’ Around New Mexico workshop virtually from July 6-10. The workshop will focus on volcanoes and their links to economic geology, history, and seismic activity in the state.

The workshop includes pre-recorded and live Zoom meetings for two hours each day that will allow educators to “virtually” explore volcanoes. Participants will tour many volcanoes across the state, including the young Carrizozo Volcanic Field and the Valles Caldera in the Jemez Mountains.

Following the Zoom meetings, participants will complete a classroom activity in Zoom Breakout Room teacher groups, and will present the results of their group projects to their peers the next day. Each activity is designed to be incorporated into the educator’s curriculum. Participants will receive a workshop notebook and reference materials that can help them implement the activities in their classrooms.

In addition, the final day of the workshop will focus on earthquake safety and will include a presentation from the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, co-sponsor of the workshop. Teachers will learn how to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” for personal protection during a strong earthquake shaking event, a safety practice they can take back to their students. Registration of schools in the “Great Shake Out” event to be held nationally on October 15th, 2020 at 10:15 a.m. is also encouraged.

Rockin’ Around New Mexico is open to all K-12 certified teachers. All participants must submit a registration form to the Bureau of Geology available here (Register Now). The workshop can be completed as a professional development course or participants can receive an optional one-hour graduate credit through the Master of Science for Teachers program at New Mexico Tech. The enrollment fee for those pursuing professional development is $40.

Rockin’ Around New Mexico is funded in part by the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management with help from the New Mexico Mining Association.

For more information, contact:

Cynthia Connolly, Bureau of Geology Education Outreach Manager
(575) 835-5264

Megha Khandelwal, Master of Science for Teachers Program
(575) 835-5470