Annabelle Lopez
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New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
801 Leroy Place
Socorro NM 87801-4796
(575) 835-6333 fax
Annabelle Lopez curates the New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources Cores and Cuttings Libraries. The libraries consist of eight buildings storing a variety of petroleum, mineral, coal and water well cores and cuttings for wells that are almost entirely from New Mexico. She also works with the Bureau’s Subsurface Library, up-dating and cataloging data. Data available are geophysical logs, scout cards, sample descriptions, drillers and sample logs, petroleum exploration maps, pool maps and production data for petroleum wells drilled in New Mexico. The Library also includes data from mineral, coal and water wells drilled in New Mexico. She assists visitors, students and staff who want to view cores, cuttings and data and fills orders received from phone and email requests.