Luke Martin
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Senior Petroleum Geologist
New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
801 Leroy Place
Socorro NM 87801-4796
(575) 835-6333 fax
New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
801 Leroy Place
Socorro NM 87801-4796
(575) 835-6333 fax
For the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, I currently serve as a senior petroleum geologist within the oil and gas program conducting research in traditional and emerging low-carbon subsurface resource characterization . Through research, education, and data management, my work contributes to the geological understanding of the subsurface within New Mexico. Together with the staff of the NMBGMR oil and gas program, I also manage the New Mexico Subsurface Data, Core, and Cuttings Libraries.
For the first 15 years of my career, I worked in research, exploration, and development at major, independent, and private oil and gas companies. I have experience throughout the United States in many aspects of the petroleum industry including prospect evaluation, well site operations, and the application of horizontal drilling to oil and gas fields.
(See CV_)
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM
PhD student, admitted Spring 2022
Major: Geology
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
Master of Science, August 2005
Major: Geology
Thesis: Miocene stratigraphy and sedimentology in Longwell Ridges area and implications for extension, Lake Mead region, Nevada
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
Bachelor of Science, August 2002
Major: Geology