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Image Gallery

The photographs and figures shown on this page and on the banner of our website generally highlight interesting geological features in New Mexico. We also have several curated galleries including our Image of the Day, our pages highlighting New Mexico's Enchanting Landscapes, and snapshots from our Annual NM Mineral Symposium.

Click on any image to start a slideshow.

Photograph of several pronghorn standing in grassland under stormy skies
Pronghorn on the plains
Top of South Baldy peak
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Azurite, Malachite, and Calcite
photograph Fractured sandstone, Arroyo del Tajo, Quebradas
Fractured sandstone, Arroyo del Tajo, Quebradas
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Dan Koning at the 2011 NMGS Fall Field Conference
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Gneiss Brecciation
lizard on rock
San Lorenzo Canyon lizard
River camp along the Chama
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Drone view downstream from below Archuleta Ranch on the Rio Chama
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Planning a Fieldtrip in the Sacramento Mountains
Rock piles at St. Anthony mine
Volcanoes view from Magdalena observatory
Tent Rocks
Old art on old rocks in Arroyo Del Tajo Canyon
Reflection Pool
Chino mine
fault outcrop photo
Knife-edge Fault in the Sandia Mountains
Nighttime Monsoon and Lightning over Polvadera Mountain
Nighttime Monsoon Rain and Lightning over Polvadera, July
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Brachiopods in Cienega Canyon
Little San Pascual Mountains