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Sampling in Raton 2022 Cutting ice sample. Nels in front of Reventador Ecuador.

New Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory Personnel


Pye photo
Alexandra Pye — Geochronologist
Ricci photo
Julia Ricci — Geochronologist

Associate Staff

Iverson photo
Nels Iverson — Geochemist-Microbeam Analyst
Ross photo
Jake Ross — Data Integration Manager


Heizler photo
Matthew Heizler — Emeritus - Principal Geochronologist
McIntosh photo
William McIntosh — Emeritus - Sr. Volcanologist, Geochronologist


Students are central to the NMGRL's mission.

NMT students conduct research projects as part of PhD dissertations and Master's theses. These students have gone on to successful, fulfilling, and impactful careers due in part to the experience gained working in the NMGRL.

Kevin Loeza-Vargas — Undergraduate Student