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USGS Geologic Maps in New Mexico

We are an official Earth Science Information Center for the U.S. Geological Survey and work cooperatively to provide information to the public. At our Socorro office, we stock most of the USGS geologic maps that relate to New Mexico. In addition we stock all of the 7.5-minute (1:24,000), 30 x 60-minute (1:100,000), and 1 x 2-degree (1:250,000) topographic maps for the entire state of New Mexico. We also carry other selected USGS publications. A complete list of USGS publications available for purchase directly from the USGS is available online. Most USGS maps are now available for free download from their National Geologic Map Database.


OM-Series Maps:

Stock# Title Price / Details
OM-57 Geology of Nacimiento Mountains, San Pedro Mountain, and adjacent plateaus in parts of Sandoval and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico, Wood, G. H.; Northrop, S. A., 1946, Scale 1:31,680, USGS. $9.00
OM-78 Geology and oil possibilities of the eastern side of San Juan Basin, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, Dane, C. H., 1948, Scale 1:63,360, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
OM-109 Geology and coal resources of the Durango area, La Plata and Montezuma Counties, Colorado, Zapp, A. D., 1949, Scale 1:31,680, USGS. $9.00
OM-149 Geology and fuel resources of the Red Mesa area, La Plata and Montezuma Counties, Colorado, Barnes, H.; Baltz, E. H., Jr.; Hayes, P. T., 1954, Scale 1:62,500, USGS. $9.00
OM-158 Map showing geologic structure of the southern part of the San Juan Basin, including parts of San Juan, McKinley, Sandoval, Valencia, and Bernalillo Counties, New Mexico, Hunt, C. G.; Dane, C. H., 1954, Scale 1:126,720, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
OM-160 Geology of the Carrizo Mountains area in northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico, Strobell, J. D., Jr., 1956, Scale 1:48,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
OM-177 Preliminary structure contour map of a part of southeastern New Mexico, showing oil and gas development, Stipp, T. F.; Haigler, L. B., 1956, Scale 1:126,720, USGS. $9.00
OM-208 Reconnaissance geologic map of parts of Harding, San Miguel, and Mora Counties, New Mexico, Wanek, A. A., 1962, Scale 1:96,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
OM-218 Structure contour map on top of the undifferentiated Silurian and Devonian rocks in southeastern New Mexico, Haigler, L. B.; Cunningham, R. R., 1972, Scale 1:250,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
Limited availability!