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USGS Geologic Maps in New Mexico

We are an official Earth Science Information Center for the U.S. Geological Survey and work cooperatively to provide information to the public. At our Socorro office, we stock most of the USGS geologic maps that relate to New Mexico. In addition we stock all of the 7.5-minute (1:24,000), 30 x 60-minute (1:100,000), and 1 x 2-degree (1:250,000) topographic maps for the entire state of New Mexico. We also carry other selected USGS publications. A complete list of USGS publications available for purchase directly from the USGS is available online. Most USGS maps are now available for free download from their National Geologic Map Database.


GQ-Series Maps:

Stock# Title Price / Details
GQ-98 Geology of the Carlsbad Caverns East quadrangle, Eddy County, New Mexico, Hayes, P. T.; Gale, B. T., 1974, Scale 1:62,500, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-167 Geology of the Carlsbad West quadrangle, Eddy County, New Mexico, Motts, W. S., 1963, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-207 Geologic map of the Seboyeta quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico, Moench, R. H., 1963, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-208 Geologic map of the Laguna quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico, Moench, R. H., 1963, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-209 Geologic map of the Moquino quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico, Schlee, J. S.; Moench, R. H., 1963, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00
GQ-210 Geologic map of the Mesita quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico, Schlee, J. S.; Moench, R. H., 1963, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-211 Geologic map of the Arch Mesa quadrangle, Cibola, Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, Moench, R. H.; Puffett, W. P., 1963, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-212 Geologic map of the Mesa Gigante quadrangle, Cibola and Bernalillo Counties, New Mexico, Moench, R. H.; Puffett, W. P., 1963, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-306 Geology of the Santa Rita quadrangle, Grant County, New Mexico, Hernon, R. M.; Jones, W. R.; Moore, S. L., 1964, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-354 Geology of the Dough Mountain quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico, Moench, R. H., 1964, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-355 Geology of the South Butte quadrangle, Valencia [now Cibola] County, New Mexico, Moench, R. H., 1964, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-371 Geologic map of the La Gotera quadrangle, Sandoval and Valencia [now Cibola] Counties, New Mexico, Moench, R. H.; Schlee, J. S.; Bryan, W. B., 1965, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-515 Geologic map of the Ambrosia Lake quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Santos, E. S.; Thaden, R. E., 1966, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00
GQ-516 Geologic map of the San Lucas Dam quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Santos, E. S., 1966, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-517 Geologic map of the San Mateo quadrangle, McKinley and Valencia [now Cibola] Counties, New Mexico, Santos, E. S., 1966, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-518 Geologic map of the Goat Mountain quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Thaden, R. E.; Santos, E. S.; Ostling, E. J., 1966, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-551 Geologic map of the Tajique quadrangle, Torrance and Bernalillo Counties, New Mexico, Myers, D. A., 1966, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-590 Geologic map of the Mesa Portales quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico, Fassett, J. E., 1966, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-591 Geologic map of the Johnson Trading Post quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico, Hinds, J. S., 1966, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-639 Geologic map of the Torreon quadrangle, Torrance County, New Mexico, Myers, D. A., 1967, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-679 Geologic map of the Bluewater quadrangle, Valencia [now Cibola] and McKinley Counties, New Mexico, Thaden, R. E.; Ostling, E. J., 1967, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-680 Geologic map of the Dos Lomas quadrangle, Valencia [now Cibola] and McKinley Counties, New Mexico, Thaden, R. E.; Santos, E. S.; Ostling, E. J., 1967, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-681 Geologic map of the Grants quadrangle, Valencia [now Cibola] County, New Mexico, Thaden, R. E.; Santos, E. S.; Ostling, E. J., 1967, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00
GQ-682 Geologic map of the Grants SE quadrangle, Valencia [now Cibola] County, New Mexico, Thaden, R. E.; Merrin, S.; Raup, O. B., 1967, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-795 Geologic map of the Escabosa quadrangle, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, Myers, D. A., 1969, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-823 Geologic map of the Casa Grande quadrangle, Colfax County, New Mexico, and Las Animas County, Colorado, Pilmore, C. L., 1969, Scale 1:62,500, USGS. $9.00
GQ-865 Geologic map of the Fort Bayard quadrangle, Grant County, New Mexico, Jones, W. R.; Moore, S. L.; Pratt, W. P., 1970, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-869 Geologic map of the Villanueva quadrangle, San Miguel County, New Mexico, Johnson, R. B., 1970, Scale 1:62,500, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-886 Geologic map of the Mount Washington quadrangle, Bernalillo and Valencia Counties, New Mexico, Myers, D. A.; McKay, E. J., 1970, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-948 Geologic map of the Bosque Peak quadrangle, Torrance, Valencia, and Bernalillo Counties, New Mexico, Myers, D. A.; McKay, E. J., 1971, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-954 Geologic map of the Thoreau NE quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Green, M. W.; Pierson, C. T., 1971, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-956 Geologic map of the Laguna Ortiz quadrangle, San Miguel County, New Mexico, Johnson, R. B., 1971, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1007 Geologic map of the North San Ysidro quadrangle, San Miguel County, New Mexico, Johnson, R. B., 1972, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1008 Geologic map of the Capilla Peak quadrangle, Torrance and Valencia Counties, New Mexico, Myers, D. A.; McKay, E. J., 1972, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1036 Geologic map of the Rowe quadrangle, San Miguel and Santa Fe Counties, New Mexico, Johnson, R. B., 1972, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1077 Geologic map of the Bull Canyon quadrangle, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Johnson, R. B., 1973, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1110 Geologic map of the Pecos quadrangle, San Miguel and Santa Fe Counties, New Mexico, Johnson, R. B., 1973, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1164 Geologic map of the Fort Union quadrangle, Mora County, New Mexico, Johnson, R. B., 1974, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1234 Geologic map of the Galisteo quadrangle, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Johnson, R. B., 1975, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1268 Geologic map of the Madrid quadrangle, Santa Fe and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, Bachman, G. O., 1975, Scale 1:62,500, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1276 Geologic map of the Rainsville quadrangle, Mora County, New Mexico, Johnson, R. B., 1975, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1298 Geologic map of the Acoma Pueblo quadrangle, Valencia [now Cibola], New Mexico, Maxwell, C. H., 1976, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1338 Geologic map of the Continental Divide quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Green, M. W., 1976, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1412 Geologic map of the Scholle quadrangle, Socorro, Valencia, and Torrance Counties, New Mexico, Myers, D. A., 1977, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1415 Geologic map of the San Acacia quadrangle, Socorro County, New Mexico, Machette, M. N., 1978, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1446 Geologic map of the Bernalillo NW quadrangle, Socorro County, New Mexico, Manley, K., 1978, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1522 Geologic map of the East Mesa quadrangle, Valencia [now Cibola] County, New Mexico, Maxwell, C. H., 1979, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1523 Geologic map of the Mount Taylor quadrangle, Valencia [now Cibola] County, New Mexico, Lipman, P. W.; Pallister, J. S.; Sargent, K. A., 1979, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1556 Geologic map of the Becker quadrangle, Valencia and Socorro Counties, New Mexico, Myers, D. A.; McKay, E. J.; Sharps, J. A., 1981, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00
GQ-1557 Geologic map of the Mogollon quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico, Ratte, J. C., 1981, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1583 Geologic map of the Oak Spring quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Kirk, A. R.; Zech, R. S., 1984, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1588 Geologic map of the Hunters Point quadrangle, Apache County, Arizona, and McKinley County, New Mexico, Condon, S. M., 1986, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00
GQ-1591 Geologic map of the Pine Buttes quadrangle, Colfax County, New Mexico, Staatz, M. H., 1986, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1592 Geologic map of the Hard Ground Flats quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Kirk, A. R.; Zech, R. S., 1986, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1593 Geologic map of the Dalton Pass quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Kirk, A. R.; Sullivan, M. W., 1987, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1594 Geologic Map of The Big Rock Hill Quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Kirk, A.R.; Zech, R.S., 1987, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1596 Geologic map of the Crownpoint quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Robertson, J. F., 1986, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1605 Geologic Map of The Tres Hermanos Peak Quadrangle, Colfax County, New Mexico, Staatz, M.H., 1987, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1606 Geologic map of the Allie Canyon quadrangle, Grant County, New Mexico, Moore, S. L., 1986, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1610 Geologic Map of The Alma Quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico, Houser, B.B., 1987, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1611 Geologic map of the Wilson Mountain quadrangle, Catron and Grant Counties, New Mexico, Ratte, J. C.; Brooks, W. E., 1989, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1646 Geologic map of the Todilto Park quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Thaden, R. E., 1990, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1647 Geologic map of the Window Rock quadrangle, Apache County, Arizona, and McKinley County, New Mexico, Thaden, R. E., 1990, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00
GQ-1648 Geologic map of the Fort Defiance quadrangle, Apache County, Arizona, and McKinley County, New Mexico, Thaden, R. E., 1989, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00
GQ-1649 Geologic map of the Buell Park quadrangle, Apache County, Arizona, and McKinley County, New Mexico, Thaden, R. E., 1990, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00
GQ-1651 Geologic map of the Bull Basin quadrangle, Catron and Grant Counties, New Mexico, Ratte, J. C., 1989, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1652 Geologic map of the Blue Mesa quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico, Moore, S. L., 1990, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1657 Geologic map of the Cubero quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico, Maxwell, C. H., 1990, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1659 Geologic map of the Twin Lakes quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Zech, R. S., 1989, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1661 Geologic Map of The TSE Bonita School Quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Zech, R.S., 1989, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1664 Geologic map of the Mecate Meadow quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico, Moore, S. L., 1990, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1666 Geologic Map of The Broom Mountain Quadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico, Maxwell, C.H., 1990, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1675 Geologic map of the Thoreau quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Robertson, J. F., 1990, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1683 Geologic map of the Hosta Butte quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Robertson, J. F., 1990, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1685 Geologic map of the Horse Mountain West quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico, Ratte, J. C.; McIntosh, W. C.; Houser, B. B., 1991, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1686 Geologic map of the Cuchillo quadrangle, Sierra County, New Mexico, Maxwell, C. H.; Oakman, M. R., 1990, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1697 Geologic Map of The Heart Rock Quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Robertson, J.F., 1992, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1715 Geologic map of the Tillie Hall Peak quadrangle, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Grant County, New Mexico, Hedlund, D. C., 1993, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1716 Geologic map of the Casamero Lake quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Robertson, J. F., 1993, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1736 Geologic map of the Milligan Mountain quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico, Ratte, J. C.; Bove, D. J.; McIntosh, W. C., 1994, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1737 Geologic map of the Clifton House quadrangle, showing fossil zones in the Pierre Shale, Colfax County, New Mexico, Pilmore, C. L.; Scott, G. R., 1994, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1749 Geologic map of the Los Pinos quadrangle, Rio Arriba and Taos Counties, New Mexico, and Conejos County, Colorado, Thompson, R. A.; Lipman, P. W., 1994, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1750 Geologic map of the San Antonio Mountain quadrangle, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, Thompson, R. A.; Lipman, P. W., 1994, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now