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Monographs: Memoirs


These technical monographs are lengthy, comprehensive, terminal reports of wide scientific interest and lasting importance, generally reflecting a lifetime of research and achievement on a single broad topic. They may include anthologies of works by many authors. Like all of our technical publications, future memoirs may be available in either printed or electronic format. Most memoirs are available as free downloads.

Some publications, including those that are out-of-print, are only available for purchase on CD or DVD-ROM CD icon.

Stock# Title Price / Details
M-10 Part I - Revision of Buttsoceras. Part II - Notes on the Michelinoceratida, Flower, R. H., 1962, 58 pages. $5.50Buy Now
M-11 Geology of part of the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico, Miller, J. P.; Montgomery, A.; Sutherland, P. K., 1963, 106 pages. $14.50Buy Now
M-12 The nautiloid order Ellesmeroceratida (Cephalopoda), Flower, R. H., 1964, 234 pages.
[Out-of-print, available on disc]
$10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
M-13 Nautiloid Shell Morphology, Flower, R. H., 1964, 79 pages.
[Out-of-print, available on disc]
$10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
M-14 Sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous rocks of Todilto Park, New Mexico, Willard, M. E., 1964, 47 pages. $4.75Buy Now
M-15 Geology and technology of the Grants uranium region, Prepared by The Society of Economic Geologists, compiled by V.C. Kelley, general chairman Uranium Field Conference, 1963, 277 pages, (Reprinted 1975). $10.00Buy Now
M-16 Stratigraphy of the Big Hatchet Mountains area, New Mexico, Zeller, R. A., Jr., 1965, 128 pages, (Reprinted 1985). $10.00Buy Now
M-17 Geology of Pennsylvanian and Wolfcampian rocks in southeast New Mexico, Meyer, R. F., 1966, 123 pages, (Reprinted 1985). $16.00Buy Now
M-18 Geomorphic surfaces and surficial deposits in southern New Mexico, Ruhe, R. V., 1967, 66 pages. $8.50Buy Now
M-19 Part I - The first great expansion of the Actinoceroids. Part II - Some additional Whiterock cephalopods, Flower, R. H., 1968, 120 pages. $7.50Buy Now