New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook – 63
Geology of the Warm Springs Region

Spencer G. Lucas, Virginia T. McLemore, Virgil W. Lueth, Justin A. Spielmann, and Karl Krainer, [editors]
580 pages.
Majestic mountain sky islands, deep dark canyons, and hidden springs interrupt the vast desert landscape of the Warm Springs region in south-central New Mexico. In this guidebook we examine the spectacular geology that led to the formation of these landforms in what may well be the most geologically complex part of New Mexico. Rock exposures in the this region represent almost the entire record of geologic time; from granites over a billion years old to modern river deposits of the Rio Grande. We will revisit areas were groundbreaking geological studies were first published in addition to new studies on extinct volcanoes, mining areas, archeological sites, and desert soils. In this volume, six road logs explore different portions of the Warm Springs region, twenty-six minipapers discuss specific geologic features along the way, and thirty scientific papers provide details on geologic features and processes. These articles discuss a wide range of geological topics including regional geology, impact structures, igneous and sedimentary petrology, stratigraphy, paleontology, and earth resources.
Papers from this guidebook are available for download from the NMGS website.
There are two versions of this guidebook available — the complete guidebook (580 pages), and a version with just the road logs that is spiral bound (194 pages).
ISBN: 9781585460984
Individual papers from this guidebook are available as free downloads from the NMGS site.
ISBN: 9781585460984
Contains road logs and mini-papers only, spiral bound.
Individual papers from this guidebook are available as free downloads from the NMGS site.