New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook – 70
Geology of the Raton-Clayton Area

Frank Ramos, Matthew J. Zimmerer, Kate Zeigler, and Dana S. Ulmer-Scholle,
2019, 168 pages.
Welcome to the subtle landscape of the High Plains of northeastern New Mexico. Referred to as the Hi-Lo Country, this region includes a history of volcanism encompassed by the Raton-Clayton volcanic field, as well as exposures of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks that not only record part of the story of past landscapes, but also hold the key to groundwater resources in this oft-forgotten corner of New Mexico. The geology of Union and Colfax Counties may look simple from the highway, but these grasslands host a richness of canyons, mesas and volcanic peaks with a fascinating geologic history.
There are two versions of this guidebook available, the complete guidebook (168 pages), and a version with just the road logs that is spiral bound (46 pages).
ISBN: 1-58546-110-5
Individual papers from this guidebook are available as free downloads from the NMGS site.
Contains road logs and mini-papers only, spiral bound.