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Open-file Report - 542
Water table map of the southern Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico

Lewis Land, Stacy Timmons, Geoff Rawling, and Brigitte Felix



Groundwater elevation data from wells and springs in the southern Sacramento Mountains were compiled from depth-to-water measurements taken between 2005 and 2009 by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (NMBGMR) at New Mexico Tech and from the elevations of springs and the gaining reaches of streams. In locations where these data were not available, static water levels were used from selected, recent (year 1995 or newer) New Mexico Office of the State Engineer’s (NMOSE) well records. The groundwater elevation contours were drawn by hand based on the author’s interpretation of water level data. The groundwater elevation contours were used to further interpret or generate groundwater flow direction and the boundaries of groundwater flow units.

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