History of New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources as recorded in legislation, annual reports, & notes, 1927-1977, Holts, Candace L., 1979, 215 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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A study of silicic plutonic rocks in the Zuni and Florida Mtns. ountains to evaluate the possible occurrence of disseminated U and Th deposits; U and Th abundances and whole rock chemistry of the Florida Mountains, New Mexico; preliminary study, Brookins, Douglas G.; Rautman, Christopher A.; Corbitt, L. Leroy, 1978, 23 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Environmental characteristics of Menefee coals in the Torreon Wash area, New Mexico, Tabet, David E.; Frost, Stephen J., 1979, 141 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Final report; Coal, uranium, oil, and gas potential of the Riley-Puertecito area, Socorro County, New Mexico, Chapin, Charles E.; Osburn, Glenn R.; Hook, Stephen C.; Massingill, Gary L.; Frost, Stephen J., 1979, 38 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Revision of Tertiary volcanics in Geologic Map 30, Cunningham, John E., 1979, 2 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Maps showing the regional extent of sandstone bodies within the Gallup Sandstone; compiled for the San Juan Basin hydrogeologic study, Mizell, Nancy H.; Stone, William J., 1979, 2 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the southeastern Magdalena Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico, Petty, David M., 1979, 174 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of Riley-Puertecito area, southeastern margin of Colorado Plateau, Socorro County, New Mexico, Massingill, Gary L., 1977, 301 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Consulting service at Mining and Milling Corporation of America, Hachita, New Mexico, Hazen Research, Inc., 1979, 32 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Availability of geological and geophysical data for the eastern half of the U.S. Geological Survey's Southwestern Alluvial Basins Regional Aquifer Study, Stone, William J.; Mizell, Nancy H.; Hawley, John W., 1979, 80 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Aeromagnetic map of Tortugas Mountains and Organ Mountains, Doña Ana County, New Mexico, Keller, G. Randy; Aiken, Carlos L. V., 1979, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Coal exploratory drilling in the Datil Mountain coal field, Frost, Stephen J.; Tabet, David E.; Campbell, Frank W., 1980, 53 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Corkscrew Canyon-Abbe Spring area, Socorro County, New Mexico, Mayerson, David L., 1979, 133 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the eastern Magdalena Mountains, Water Canyon to Pound Ranch, Socorro County, New Mexico, Osburn, Glenn R., 1978, 159 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Description of cuttings from Navajo water wells in New Mexico; 1978 and 1979, Stone, William J.; Jackson, Randall E., 1980, 26 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Summary of the geology of the Engle coal field, Tabet, David E., 1979, 8 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Preliminary report on the Little Granite mine, Black Range mining district, Sierra County, New Mexico, Eveleth, Robert W.; Siemers, W. Terry, 1980, 13 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Data base and review of paleofaunas and floras of the Fruitland Formation, Late Cretaceous, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, Wolberg, Donald L., 1981, 72 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Socorro Peak volcanic center, central New Mexico, vol. 1, Stratigraphy, 395 p., Chamberlin, Richard M., 1980, 532 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the west flank of the Magdalena Mountains south of the Kelly mining district, Socorro County, New Mexico, Allen, Philip, 1979, 161 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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The geology of the west-central Magdalena Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico, Bowring, Samuel A., 1980, 135 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Documentation for computerization of geothermal activity in New Mexico, Mizell, Nancy H., 1980, 27 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Precambrian rocks of the Lemitar Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico, McLemore, Virginia T., 1980, 207 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Squaw Peak area, Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico, Donze, Martin A., 1980, 131 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Late Cenozoic freshwater mollusca of New Mexico--an annotated bibliography, Taylor, D. W., 1980, 51 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Petrology, diagenesis, and genetic stratigraphy of the Eocene Baca Formation, Alamo Navajo Reservation and vicinity, Socorro County, New Mexico, Cather, Steven M., 1980, 263 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Overview of geology as related to environmental concerns in New Mexico (published in Special Publication 10 by NM Geological Society), Hawley, J. W.; Love, D. W., 1981.
Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation study, organic geochemical analyses of dry-well cuttings, Exxon Corp. Prisor Unit Fed. No. 1 well, Sierra County, New Mexico, Cernock, Paul J., 1977, 27 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Gallinas Peak area, Socorro County, New Mexico, Laroche, T. Matthew, 1980, 154 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Sawmill Canyon area of the Magdalena Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico, Roth, Susan J., 1980, 96 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Water-level data compiled for hydrogeologic study of Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, O'Brien, Keith M.; Stone, William J., 1981, 66 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Water-quality data compiled for hydrogeologic study of Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, O'Brien, K. M.; Stone, W. J., 1982, 27 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Drill hole and testing data compiled for hydrogeologic study of Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, O'Brien, Keith M.; Stone, William J., 1982, 81 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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A two-dimensional hydrologic model of the Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, O'Brien, Keith M.; Stone, William J., 1983, 51 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Water Canyon-Jordan Canyon areas, Socorro County, New Mexico, Sumner, Ward, 1980, 152 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the northeastern Datil Mountains, Socorro and Catron Counties, New Mexico, Harrison, Richard W., 1980, 146 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Uranium potential of the Datil Mountains-Pie Town area, Catron County, New Mexico, Chamberlin, Richard M., 1981, 58 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Molino Peak Quadrangle, Socorro-Magdalena area, Socorro County, New Mexico, Osburn, Glenn R.; Petty, D. M.; Chapin, C. E., 1981, 24 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Lion Mountain quadrangle, Socorro-Magdalena area, Socorro County, New Mexico (superseded by GM-68), Osburn, Glenn R.; Laroche, T. M., 1982, 40 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation study, Hachita Dome, Inc. No. 1 Tidball-Berry Federal well, Hidalgo County New Mexico, Tybor, L. Paul, 1981, 14 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the central Chupadera Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico, Eggleston, Ted L., 1982, 162 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology and coal resources of Cantaralo Spring 7½ min quadrangle, Anderson, Orin J., 1981, 16 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology and coal resources of Twentytwo Spring Quadrangle, Catron and Cibola counties, New Mexico, Frost, Steve J.; Anderson, O. J., 1981, 6 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology and coal resources of Cerro Prieto and the Dyke quadrangles, Campbell, Frank W., 1981, 68 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Stratigraphic sequence in drilling data; Fence Lake area, Roybal, Gretchen H.; Campbell, Frank W., 1981, 59 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Tenth Potash Ore Zone--Permian Salado Formation, Carlsbad district, New Mexico, Gunn, R. C. M.; Hills, J. M., 1978, 48 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the D Cross Mountain quadrangle, Socorro and Catron Counties, New Mexico, Robinson, B. Russell, 1981, 225 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Abandoned or inactive uranium mines in New Mexico (778 p.), Anderson, Orin J., 1981, 778 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation study, Cockrell Corp. No. 1 Coyote State well, Grant County, New Mexico, Tybor, L. Paul, 1981, 18 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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