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New Mexico Geology — Back-issues

Print ISSN: 0196-948X (prior to 2015)
Online ISSN: 2837-6420


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Volume: 42, 2020

Volume 42, Number 1

Number: 1

Full-Issue (31.7 MB PDF)
  1. Clouds and dunes at the Mescalero Sands Off-Highway Vehicle area (2.79 MB PDF), [Cover]
    — Peter Scholle
  2. New Mexico graduate student abstracts (106 KB PDF), pp. 55-59.
  3. In Memory of Philip J. Sterling (190 KB PDF), p. 60.
    — Thomas A. Parkhill and David Wentworth
Volume 42, Number 2

Number: 2

Full-Issue (17.5 MB PDF)
  1. Paleomagnetic Data Bearing on Vertical Axis Rotation of the Rio del Oso dike swarm, Western Española Basin, New Mexico (8.92 MB PDF), pp. 61-78. [View Abstract]
    — M.S. Petronis, R.V. Trujillo, J. Lindline, and J.P. Zebrowski
  2. Gallery of Geology: The Pennsylvanian section at Bishop Cap, Doña Ana County, New Mexico (3.46 MB PDF), pp. 79-81.
    — Spencer G. Lucas and Karl Krainer
  3. Ron Broadhead: Petroleum geologist extraordinaire (1.31 MB PDF), pp. 82-84.
    — Kristen Pearthree
  4. In Memory of Lee A. Woodward, 1931–2020 (827 KB PDF), pp. 85-88.
    — Barry S. Kues