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Image of the Day — Capulin Mountain

Posted: Saturday, September 7, 2024

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Capulin Volcano in western Union County

Image taken: 12/12/2012
by: Geoffrey Rawling
© 2012

Longitude: -103.969513
Latitude: 36.781074
  (WGS 84 or NAD 83)

About this image

This small park, established in 1916 by presidential proclamation, offers a close-up view of one of the most perfectly preserved cinder cones in North America. The road to the summit provides access to the summit crater, and if you have ever wanted to walk into a volcano, Capulin Mountain is one of the few places you can do so. A 0.2-mile-long trail from the summit parking lot descends to the vent at the bottom of the crater. The view from the crater rim encompasses all of northeastern New Mexico as well as parts of Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado.

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Capulin Volcano National Monument is located on NM 325 about 3 miles north of US 64/87, between the villages of Capulin and Folsom. It is administered by the National Park Service. There is a fee for admission, but the drive to the summit is well worth it. A small Visitor Center and campground are maintained near the park entrance.

Image posted: 12-17-2021