2007 Earth Science Achievement Awards
2007 Award Recipients:

On January 26 the 2007 New Mexico Earth Science Achievement Awards were presented to State Representative Mimi Stewart, for outstanding contributions advancing the role of earth science in areas of public service and public policy in New Mexico, and to Dr. Frank Titus, for outstanding contributions in advancing earth science and education in New Mexico. This year’s presentations were made by Joanna Prukop, cabinet secretary of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, and Dr. Peter Scholle, Emeritus State Geologist and Director of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources.
These awards, co-sponsored by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, a division of New Mexico Tech in Socorro, and the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) in Santa Fe, were initiated in 2003 to honor those often-unrecognized champions of earth science issues vital to the future of New Mexico. Selections were made following a statewide nomination process.
Public Policy & Service
Mimi Stewart is New Mexico State Representative for District 21 – Albuquerque. Raised in the Southwest and educated in Massachusetts, she has been active in New Mexico politics since 1978. A state representative since 1994, Stewart has been an educator for 24 years and is currently a resource teacher at Teaching & Learning Systems with the Albuquerque Public Schools. Stewart’s unemployment insurance reform legislation, passed in the 2003 legislature, was identified as the best unemployment insurance bill in the nation, and she was voted “Legislator of the Year” by the New Mexico Wildlife Federation for her work to decrease poaching of wildlife in New Mexico. Stewart also won a prestigious Flemming Fellowship from the Center for Policy Alternatives, and recently received the American Planning Association of New Mexico annual award for her work on a statewide water plan.
Research & Education
Frank Titus arrived in Albuquerque 51 years ago to work for the U.S. Geological Survey. Over the next 37 years he was scientist and educator for the U.S. Geological Survey and New Mexico Tech, manager of Environmental Impact Statements across the U.S. and Canada, then returned to Albuquerque as hydrology manager on the federal Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project. Thereafter, his career focus has been on wise management of water and environment. In this role he has been science advisor to state engineer Tom Turney, appeared in several TV specials on Rio Grande water, served on the Middle Rio Grande Water Assembly, and has been a member of numerous advisory committees and boards of directors of non-governmental organizations, including the Water Dialogue. He is the author of Taking Charge of Our Water Destiny.
Nominations for next year's awards are welcome from the general public.