Rockin' 2005 Virtual Field Trips
Ruidoso and Surrounding Areas
Each summer, the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources hosts a geology field trip for K–12 teachers called Rockin' Around New Mexico. The location varies every year. In July 2005, we were located in the Ruidoso area and had 43 teachers participate. In addition to classroom activities, we explored the local geology on all three days.The group of teachers was given the task of creating a Virtual Field Trip that covered seven geologic field stops around the Ruidoso, Alamogordo, White Sands, El Malpais, and Fort Stanton areas.

Teachers were assigned to work in groups at each of the seven stops to learn about the geologic background, to take digital photos, to record gps coordinates of specific geologic features, and to collect data for each feature. Teachers worked diligently to input their data onto laptop computers while traveling between stops and at the end of each day. This website is composed of their field-work efforts.
These pages represent the students' best efforts, and although a certain amount of review has gone into them, they have not been subjected to the same level of editorial scrutiny as most of our webpages. For more information on New Mexico geology, visit our Virtual Tour of New Mexico Geology.
Virtual Field Trips:
Thanks to Leo Gabaldon for graphic support throughout this entire VFT 2005 website.