Search: New Mexico Subsurface Library
Core, Cuttings, and Data
Use our Map View page to see the locations of cores and cuttings in our collection. A more detailed version of this map is available on our Interactive Map Portal. To see the core and cuttings available, turn on the Energy Resources layer and the NMWells Core-Cuttings layer under that. Zoom in to your area of interest and select the wells you wish to examine.
Excel spreadsheets:
ArcGIS Pro Map package (26.8 MB)
Please contact us about donations of cuttings, core, or downhole data.
Porosity and Permeability Analyses
A limited number of porosity and permeability analyses of cores are available as scanned images in PDF format. These scans are of oil and gas core analyses that are in our collections and many contain ancilliary information such as oil or water saturation.
Petroleum Source Rock Analyses
We have accumulated several petroelum source rock analyses made on cuttings, cores, and outcrops throughout the state. The most substantial part of these were made as part of our Petroleum Source Rock Project. Other major sets of source rock analyses were made as part of Bureau research projects. Yet others come from private entities that perform source rock analyses on our drill cuttings and cores. In return for allowing a limited number of destructive analyses to be performed on samples from our collections, we require that copies of the analyses be placed with us; after a confidentiality period of one year the analyses are made public. For a listing of petroleum source rock analyses, please click here.