Friends of the Mineral Museum
The Friends of the Museum is a group of rock & mineral enthusiasts that support objectives of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology Mineral Museum. These objectives range from acquiring materials for everyday tasks (replacing lights, purchasing cleaning supplies and mineral stands, etc.) to supporting higher cost, large museum projects (purchasing additional display cases and lighting).
For a minimum annual fee of $25 (larger gifts are greatly appreciated!), we show you how your money is spent two ways: through tangible projects that are completed in a timely manner, and by an annual to bi-annnual newsletter (depending on how ambitious we are!). The newsletter provides updates on museum events and projects, new acquitisions, K-12 outreach, gem & mineral shows, and the New Mexico Mineral Symposium.
Projects in Need of Funding
Currently, we are accepting donations for the following projects:

Finished Projects


We would like to personally thank Maryanne Fender for the idea to create this group in support of the Mineral Museum. In addition, we very much appreciate all of our “Friends” for stepping up to support museum goals!