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Bureau of Geology News

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Magnitude 4.49 Earthquake near Atoka on 02/23/2024
Carlsbad, NM
February 23, 2024

On February 23, 2024, around 9:47:07 AM UTC time, a magnitude 4.49 earthquake occurred near Atoka, NM, followed by seven earthquakes in a span of few hours. The event was recorded on seismometers operated by the New Mexico Tech Seismological Observatory.

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Earthquake near Lemitar and Escondida, NM on 09/12/2023
September 13, 2023

On September 12, 2023, around 4:01 PM local time, a magnitude 3.28 earthquake occurred near Lemitar and Escondida, NM. There are reports that the earthquake was felt in Lemitar and Socorro. The event was recorded on seismometers operated by the New Mexico Tech Seismological Observatory (NMTSO), which streams real-time data (Figure 1) to the web.

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In memoriam — Mark Mansell
April 10, 2023

Mark Mansell, our valued friend and colleague and long-time employee of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, passed away on April 4, 2023. He was 61.

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Nelia Dunbar
In memoriam — Rich Esser (1970-2023)
February 13, 2023

Many geoscientists and NMT and throughout the southwest will remember Rich Esser, who finished an MS degree at New Mexico Tech in 1996, and then worked in the Argon Lab at the Bureau for a number of years. He went from here to University of Utah, where he continued to collaborate with people at NMT on a range of projects.

Rich went missing from his home on Wednesday evening, and his body was found on February 3, 2023 in the mountains to the east of his house in Salt Lake City. I'm so sorry to have to share this terribly sad news with you. Rich was a dear friend to many of us. I spent many Antarctic field seasons with him, and couldn't have asked for a kinder, pleasanter, or more generous field companion. I am heartbroken that I'll never see him and talk to him again. He leaves his wife Dina, and two young sons, Solomon and Knut. A GoFundMe page has been created to help the Esser family with funeral and living expenses.

— Nelia Dunbar

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Dennis McQuillan recieves the Earth Science Achievement Award
Roundhouse, Santa Fe, NM
January 23, 2023

A public servant who advanced the role of earth science in public policy was recognized at the New Mexico State Capitol Jan. 23. The New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, in cooperation with the state Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, presented the Earth Science Achievement Award for 2023 to Dennis McQuillan during a noon ceremony in the Roundhouse Rotunda in conjunction with Earth Science/New Mexico Tech Day. NMT academic and research divisions and earth science-focused state, federal, and private sector groups staffed tables and the public was invited to visit the Roundhouse and attend the awards ceremony.

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Dan Koning earns top mapping award
January 17, 2023

Senior Field Geologist Dan Koning received the nation’s premiere geologic mapping award at the Geological Society of America’s 2022 annual meeting in Denver. The Florence Bascom Geologic Mapping Award acknowledges contributions in published, high-quality, geologic maps that led the recipient to publish significant new scientific or economic-resource discoveries and to contribute greater understanding of fundamental geologic processes and concepts.

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In memoriam — Charles Stephen Haase (1951-2022)
December 5, 2022

Charles Stephen (Steve) Haase, Ph.D., of Jonesborough, TN passed away on November 15, 2022. Steve was born on September 20, 1951 in Duluth, Minnesota. His bachelor’s and master’s degrees in geology were received, respectively, from Carleton College and Brown University in 1973 and 1975. After receiving a Ph.D. degree in geology at Indiana University in 1979, he continued post-doctorate studies in geochemistry at Yale University.

Steve started his professional career in 1980 at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) as a research scientist; and most of the large body of his peer-reviewed publications relates to geohydrologic investigation he initiated in the ORNL Y-12 Plant area (See:

In 1991, Steve joined the staff of the NM Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, a research division of NM Tech, where he was co-leader of a multi-institutional hydrogeologic investigation in the northern Albuquerque Basin. During the next 2 years, he made a number of seminal contributions to our present understanding of the hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of that area (see references below). His geohydrologic research in New Mexico continued through the mid-1990s, when he was Director of Environmental Services at the Albuquerque office of GRAM, Inc.

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Matt Zimmerer
New paper published on the timing of small-volume eruptions and related volcanic hazards at Valles caldera
November 15, 2022

A recently published paper by former Kottlowski Fellow Morgan Nasholds (now at the USGS) and bureau geologist Matt Zimmerer discusses new insight into the eruptive history of Valles caldera, New Mexico’s supervolcano.

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Dan Koning
Bureau honors retirees during NMT’s 49ers
October 24, 2022

On Friday, October 14, the New Mexico Bureau of Geology held a BBQ luncheon as part of 49ers weekend to honor our many retirees, Because of COVID we haven't, until now, been able to gather as a group to socialize and have fun together. Coincidentally, two of our notable emeritus Bureau staff, who were able to attend, just turned 90 in October: Charles (Chuck) Chapin and John Hawley.

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Geoffrey Rawling
New paper on water-level trends in the Mimbres Basin by bureau geologist Geoffrey Rawling
October 10, 2022

A new paper authored by bureau geologist Geoffrey Rawling calculates and interprets water-level changes in the Mimbres Basin over the past 40 years using the mathematical method of spatio-temporal kriging.

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