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GM-4 — Geologic Map of Inscription Rock Quadrangle, Valencia and McKinley Counties, New Mexico

By Clay T. Smith and others, 1958, scale 1:48,000.

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This map covers a portion of the Zuni Mountains from Ramah, New Mexico eastward. Precambrian igneous rocks core the Zuni Mountains and are overlain by Pennsylvanian to Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. The southern portion of the mapped area is also overlain by Quaternary basalts from the Zuni-Bandera volcanic field.

Note: This is a companion map to GM-9 (Foster Canyon) to the north. Also, since this map was published, Valencia County was split making this area part of what is now Cibola County.

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File Name Size Last Modified
GM-4_map.pdf 9.56 MB 02/05/2021 02:47:42 PM
GM-4_map-pal.tif 10.39 MB 09/20/2018 10:52:31 AM
GM-4_map.tif 70.57 MB 09/20/2018 10:50:46 AM