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Bulletin 131—Continental magmatism abstracts, IAVCEI, 1989

Bulletin 131 and Memoirs 46 and 47 are a set, with Bulletin 134 as a companion.


This publication is produced for the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) General Assembly held in Santa Fe, NM, on 25 June-1 July 1989. This contains over 600 abstracts pertaining to symposia on (1) North American cordilleran magmatism, (2) continental arcs, (3) extensional volcanism, (4) aqueous magmatic fluids, ore deposits, and geothermal systems, (5) active volcanism and hazards, and (6) volcanic and magmatic processes. 340 pp., 11 tables, 103 figs., 1 index.

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