Bulletin 165 — Quaternary and Archaeological Geology of the Mescalero Plain, Southeastern New Mexico

Stephen A. Hall and Ronald J. Goble
2023, 216 pages
This bulletin synthesizes 177 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and 54 radiocarbon dates, as well as detailed sediment size and chemical signature data, to document the history of eolian sand deposition during the late Pleistocene and Holocene in southeastern New Mexico. The authors use this history, which is based on 20 years of field observations, to assess the preservation potential of archeological sites in this area. The bulletin is richly illustrated with photographs and figures that clearly tell the story of unearthing discoveries that were previously hidden beneath the shifting sands of southeastern New Mexico.
Suggested citation:
- Hall, S.A. and Goble, R.J., 2023, Quaternary and Archaeological Geology of the Mescalero Plain, Southeastern New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Bulletin 165, 216 p. https://doi.org/10.58799/B-165

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