Lite Geology — Back-issues
Issue: 52 — Socorro—Geology and Outreach
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Greetings from Socorro, and welcome to the fall edition of Lite Geology! Autumn is arguably the best time of the year to visit Socorro. Our first two Lite Geology articles explore geology in Socorro County, from the ancient Lake Socorro to our present-day Socorro magma body. Our guest writers Samantha Pressman and Marc Roux are a student and a teacher duo from Rochambeau, the French International School, in Bethesda, Maryland. Marc brought his high school class to New Mexico to tour our desert landscape, and geologists Steve Hook and Dave Love led them on an amazing tour of Socorro County’s Quebradas backcountry. Samantha wrote about her adventures in New Mexico, and her field trip descriptions and artwork are excellent! Marc Roux penned our “Through the Hand Lens” article and discusses his background and love of teaching. And Leah Tevis, New Mexico Tech Upward Bound teacher, rounds out this issue with her article about the New Mexico Tech mobile geoscience education outreach trailer.
Preliminary Investigations of Lake Socorro, pp. 2-4
— Daniel Koning
— Daniel Koning
Earth Briefs: Monitoring Earthquakes in the Socorro Seismic Anomaly, pp. 5
— Mairi Litherland
— Mairi Litherland
Voyage au Nouveau Mexique, pp. 6-8
— Samantha Pressman
— Samantha Pressman
Rock Riddler Puzzle Page: What Do You Know About the Geology of Socorro?, pp. 9
— Cynthia Connolly
— Cynthia Connolly
New Mexico Tech Geology Trailer Launches this Fall!, pp. 10
— Leah Tevis
— Leah Tevis
Through the Hand Lens with Marc Roux, pp. 11-12
— Marc Roux
— Marc Roux