Upper Eocene and Oligocene volcaniclastic sedimentary stratigraphy of the Quemado-Escondido Mountain area, Catron County, New Mexico
New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 269-275, 1994
Abstract - An upper Eocene to Oligocene (ca. 40-26 Ma) volcaniclastic
sedimentary apron derived from the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field can be
divided into three mappable lithostratigraphic units in the Quemado-Escondido
Mountain area. From oldest to youngest we propose the new names volcaniclastic
unit of Largo Creek (VLC), volcaniclastic unit of Cañon del Leon
(VCDL), and sandstone of Escondido Mountain (SEM) as informal divisions
of the gently south-southeast-dipping Spears Group. A geologic cross section
of the area indicates that VLC, VCDL and SEM are approximately 600, 180
and 240 m thick, respectively. Gray, quartz-poor andesitic sandstones
and interbedded red mudstones of the main body of the VLC (lower 540m)
conformably overlie the middle to upper Eocene Baca Formation. The main
body of the VLC represents the distal fluvial equivalent of andesitic
debris-flow deposits of the Dog Springs Formation (ca. 39.6-36.9 Ma),
which is well exposed in the Datil region southeast of Quemado. An upward
coarsening interval (~60 m) of gray to light brown, quartz-poor to moderately
quartz-rich, andesitic conglomeratic sandstones forms a local (unmapped)
transition zone in the upper VLC. A unique quartz-microcline-rich basement-derived
sandstone near the top of the VLC may be correlative with mixed-clast
conglomerates (basement and volcanic derived) recently observed in the
middle Spears Group in the Alpine No. 1 Federal Well near Alpine, Arizona.
A cliff-forming marker bed composed of light gray tuffaceous sandstones
and thin pumiceous mudstones as much as 18 m thick defines the base of
the VCDL and conformably overlies the upper VLC. Numerous gray tuffaceous
sandstone beds intercalated with brownish gray to bluish-green andesitic
conglomeratic sandstones comprise the VCDL at its type section in upper
Cañon del Leon. Sanidines from pumice in syneruptive tuffaceous
sandstones and plagioclase from a rhyolitic ash bed in the VCDL yield
40Ar/ 39Ar ages that imply aggradation on a distal
alluvial apron from approximately 35.3 to 34.2 Ma. Tuffaceous sandstones
of the VCDL thicken to the southwest and appear to form part of the andesitic
volcaniclastic apron of the Pueblo Creek Formation, which was shed northward
from a late Eocene eruptive center near Reserve. Pale, yellowish-brown,
medium-grained, planar to high-angle cross-bedded, volcaniclastic sandstones
of the SEM are locally well exposed where they paraconformably overlie
VCDL in uppermost Cañon del Leon. These eolian sandstones of the
SEM are discontinously exposed on the flanks of several ranges capped
by Oligocene basaltic andesites, from Alegres Mountain westward to Escudilla
Mountain in eastern Arizona. The SEM appears to represent a southeasterly
tapering erg that was blown over the north-facing epiclastic apron of
the middle Spears Group (e.g. VCDL) by prevailing westerly winds off the
Colorado Plateau in Oligocene time (ca. 32-26 Ma).