Richard Chamberlin — Publications & Reports
- Lueth, Virgil W.; Chamberlin, Richard M.; Lucas, Spencer G., 2009, Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, iNew Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference, pp. 1-438. ISBN: 978-1-58546-095-3
- Chamberlin, R. M., Kues, B. S., Cather, S. M., Barker, J. M., and McIntosh, W. C. (eds.), 1994, Mogollon Slope, West-central New Mexico and East-central Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society,Guidebook 45, 335 p. (COVER PHOTO)
- Chamberlin, Richard M.; Cikoski, Colin T., 2010, Geologic map of the Indian Well Wilderness quadrangle, Socorro County, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau Geology Mineral Resources, Open-file Geologic Map, v. OF-GM 201
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1999, Preliminary geologic map of the Socorro quadrangle, Socorro County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Digital Map Series OF-DM-34, 46p. (scale 1:24,000) (SUMMARY)
- Chamberlin, R. M., Pazzaglia, F. J., Wegmann, K. W., and Smith, G. A., 1999, Preliminary geologic map of the Loma Creston quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Digital Map Series OF-DM-25, 19p (scale 1:24,000). (SUMMARY)
- Chamberlin, R. M. and Eggleston, T. L., 1996, (revised, 1999) Geologic map of the Luis Lopez 7.5 minute quadrangle, Socorro County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-file report 421, 152 p. (map scale 1:24,000). (ABSTRACT)
- Read, A. S., Allen, B., Osburn, G. R., Ferguson, C. A., and Chamberlin, R. M., 1998, Geology of Sedillo quadrangle, Bernalillo County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Digital Map Series OF-DM-20, scale 1:12,000.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1997, Geological maps, structural data, assay data, and petrographic descriptions for railroad cuttings in the Triassic North Arm Volcanics, Eumundi DeviationNorth Coast Railway, Southwestern Queensland: Department of Mines and Energy, Queensland Geological Record 1997-7 , 41 p. (map scales, 1:2,500 to 1:50,000)
- Karlstrom, K. E., Chamberlin, R. M., Connell, S. D., and others, 1997, Geology of the Mount Washington 7.5 minute quadrangle, Bernalillo and Valencia Counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-file Report DGM-8, 55 p. (map scale 1:24,000)
- Hawley, J. W., and Chamberlin, R. M., 1995, Geologic map of the Albuquerque East 7.5-minute quadrangle: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 411, scale 1:24,000.
- Chamberlin, R. M., Cather, S. M., Anderson, O. J., and Jones, G. E., 1994, Reconnaissance geologic map of the Quemado 30x60 minute quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-File Report 406, 30 p., ( map scale 1:100,000).
- Chamberlin, R.M., 1982, Geologic map, cross sections and map units of the Lemitar Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-file report 169, 3 plates, scale 1:12,000
- Lueth, Virgil W.; Chamberlin, Richard; Peters, Lisa; Love, David W., 2016, An 40Ar/39Ar age and paleogeographic setting for the Riley Travertine, Socorro County, New Mexico, in: The Geology of the Belen Area, Frey, Bonnie A.; Karlstrom, Karl E.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Williams, Shannon; Zeigler, Kate; McLemore, Virginia; Ulmer-Scholle, Dana S., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 67th Field Conference, pp. 58-61.
- Abera, Rediet; Sion, Brad; van Wijk, Jolante; Axen, Gary; Koning, Dan;Chamberlin, Richard; Gragg, Evan; Murray, Kyle; Dobbins, Jeff, 2015, Timing, geochemistry, and distribution of magmatism in the Rio Grande rift, in: 2015 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting, April 24, 2015, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech campus, Socorro, NM, pp. 7.
- Lucas, Spencer G.; Morgan, Gary; Love, David W.; Bejnar, Craig; Sion, Brad; Dunbar, Nelia; Chamberlin, Richard, 2014, Description, classification, and geologic context of a Lower Pleistocene primitive mammoth jaw from Matanza Arroyo near Socorro, New Mexico, New Mexico Geology, v. 36, no. 3, pp. 47-59.
- Kelley, Shari; Chamberlin, Richard, 2012, Our growing understanding of the the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico Earth Matters, v. 12, no. 2, pp. 1-4.
- Reiter, Marshall; Chamberlin, Richard M., 2011, Alternative perspectives of crustal and upper mantle phenomena along the Rio Grande rift, GSA Today, v. 21, no. 2, pp. 4-9.
- Reiter, M.; Chamberlin, R. M; Love, D. W., 2010, New data reflect on the thermal antiquity of the Socorro magma body locale, RioGrande rift, New Mexico, Lithosphere, v. 2, no. 6, pp. 447-453.
- Chamberlin, Richard M., 2009, Primary flow folds on the north margin of the Jones Camp dike: Evidence for easterly dike propagation and mafic magma transport, in: Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Chamberlin, Richard M., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference, pp. 33-35. ISBN: 978-1-58546-095-3
- Chamberlin, Richard M., 2009, Rare-earth geochemical anomaly at Sierra larga, New Mexico: NURE stream sediment data suggest a monazite placer deposit in the Permian Glorieta Sandstone, in: Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Chamberlin, Richard M., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference (Road Logs), pp. 71-73. ISBN: 978-1-58546-095-3
- Chamberlin, Richard M.; McIntosh, William C.; Peters, Lisa, 2009, 40Ar/39Ar Geochronlogy of the Jones Camp Dike, central New Mexico: an eastward projection of the Magdalena Radial Dike Swarm from under the Oligocene Socorro-Magdalena Caldera Cluster, in: Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Chamberlin, Richard M., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference, pp. 337-346. ISBN: 978-1-58546-095-3 [View Abstract]
- Eveleth, Robert W.; Chamberlin, Richard M.; Lueth, Virgil W., 2009, Jerome copper prospects, San Lorenzo Canyon, Socorro County, New Mexico, in: Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Chamberlin, Richard M., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference, pp. 92-95. ISBN: 978-1-58546-095-3
- Love, D. W.; Allen, B. D.; Chamberlin, R. M.; Haneberg, W. C., 2009, Summary of interpetations of six years of tiltmeter motions above the flanks of the Socorro Magma Body, central Rio Grande Rift, in: Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Chamberlin, Richard M., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference, pp. 145-152. ISBN: 978-1-58546-095-3 [View Abstract]
- Love, D. W.; McCraw, D. J.; Chamberlin, R. M.; Reiter, M.; Connell, S. D.; Cather, S. M.; Majkowski, L., 2009, Progress report on tracking Rio Grande terraces across the uplift of the Socorro Magma Body, in: Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Chamberlin, Richard M., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference, pp. 415-424. ISBN: 978-1-58546-095-3 [View Abstract]
- Lucas, Spencer G.; Cather, Steven M.; Chamberlin, Richard M.; Lueth, Virgil W.; Krainer, Karl; Spielman, Justin, 2009, Quebradas Country: Second-day road log from Socorro to Buffalo Well via Arroyo de la Parida and Canoncito de la Uva, in: Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Chamberlin, Richard M., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference (Road Logs), pp. 47-66. ISBN: 978-1-58546-095-3
- Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Cather, Steven M.; Chamberlin, Richard M.; Love, Dave; McCraw, Dave; Luther, Amy; Krainer, Karl; Spielman, Justin A., 2009, Northern Chupadera Mesa: Third-day road log from Socorro to Gran Quivira via Abo Pass, in: Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Chamberlin, Richard M., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference (Road Logs), pp. 75-108. ISBN: 978-1-58546-095-3
- Morgan, G. S.; Love, D. W.; Chamberlin, R., 2009, A skull and partial skeleton of the Oreodont Merchyus Major (Mammalia: Artiodactyla: Oreodontidae) from the Miocene Popotosa Formation, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, Socorro County, New Mexico, in: New Mexico Geological Society, 2009 Annual Spring Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, New Mexico Institute Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico, New Mexico Geology, v. 31, no. 2, pp. 48.
- Morgan, Gary S.; Lander, E. Bruce; Cikoski, Colin; Chamberlin, Richard M.; Loved, David W.; Peters, Lisa, 2009, The oreodont Merychyus major major (Mammalia: Artiodactyla: Oreodontidae) from the Miocene Popotosa Formation, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, Socorro County, New Mexico, New Mexico Geology, v. 31, no. 4, pp. 91-103.
- Reiter, M.; Chamberlin, R., 2009, Geothermal studies in the Albuquerque Basin and along La Ristra Sesimic profile, New Mexico, in: New Mexico Geological Society, 2009 Annual Spring Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, New Mexico Institute Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico, New Mexico Geology, v. 31, no. 2, pp. 44.
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Barker, J. M., 1996, Genetic aspects of commercial perlite deposits in New Mexico; in Austin, G. S., Hoffman, G. K., Barker, J. M., Zidek, J. and Gilson, N. (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Forum on the Geology of Industrial Mineralsthe Borderland Forum: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Bulletin 154, p.171-185. (ABSTRACT)
- Barker, J. M., Chamberlin, R. M., Austin, G. S., and Jenkins, D. A., 1996, Economic geology of perlite in New Mexico; in Austin, G. S., Hoffman, G. K., Barker, J. M., Zidek, J. and Gilson, N. (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Forum on the Geology of Industrial Mineralsthe Borderland Forum: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Bulletin 154, p. 165-170.
- Dunbar, N. W., McIntosh, W. C., Cather, S. M., Chamberlin, R. M., Harrison, B., and Kyle, P. R., 1996, Distal tephras from the Jemez volcanic center as potential time-stratigraphic markers in ancestral Rio Grande sediments from the Socorro area: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 47, p. 69.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1994, Indications of a faulted and mineralized Late Triassic caldera margin near Eumundi, southeastern Queensland; Queensland Government Mining Journal, v. 95, no. 1108, p. 2037, (map scale 1:50,000).
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1994, The Crosby Mountains "caldera": a volcano-tectonic collage of disparate origin: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 1618.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1994, Stratigraphic and structural implications of the Mangas Mountains Federal No. 1 Well: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 51.
- Chamberlin, R. M., Barker, J. M., and Jenkins, D. A., 1994, Economic geology of perlite production in New Mexico: SME Preprint No. 94255, 24 p.
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Cather, S. M., 1994, Definition of the Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 56.
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Harris, J. S., 1994, Upper Eocene and Oligocene volcaniclastic sedimentary stratigraphy of the Quemado-Escondido Mountain area, Catron County, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 269-275, scale 1:100,000. (ABSTRACT)
- Armstrong, R. M., and Chamberlin, R. M., 1994, Preliminary geologic interpretation of the ARMA Baca Basin seismic reflection profile, northeastern Catron County, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 3234.
- Barker, J. M., Hall, T. L., Chamberlin, R. M., 1994, Geology and mining of the Socorro perlite deposit: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 23.
- Broadhead, R. F., and Chamberlin, R. M., 1994, Hunt Oil Co. No. 1-16 State Well wireline log responses, Tertiary and Cretaceous sections: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 5556.
- Cather, S. M., Chamberlin, R. M., Chapin, C. E., and McIntosh, W. C., 1994, Stratigraphic consequences of episodic extension in the Lemitar Mountains, central Rio Grande rift; in Keller, G. R., and Cather, S. M., eds., Basins of the Rio Grande rift: Structure, stratigraphy and tectonic setting: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 291, p. 157170.
- Cather, S. M., Chamberlin, R. M., and Rattè, J. C., 1994, Tertiary stratigraphy and nomenclature for western New Mexico and eastern Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 259266.
- McIntosh, W. C., and Chamberlin, R. M., 1994, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of middle to late Cenozoic ignimbrites, mafic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks in the QuemadoDatil region, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 165185. (ABSTRACT)
- Rattè, J. C., Modreski, P. J., McIntosh, W. C., and Chamberlin, R. M., 1994, The Horse Springs dacitean enigmatic pyroclastic deposit at the edge of the Plains of San Agustin: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 193207.
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Anderson, O. J., 1993, Killion Canyon dunes and tuff wedgeGallery of Geology: New Mexico Geology, v. 15, no. 1, p. 1617.
- Chamberlin, R. M., Harris, J. S., and Onimole, M. I., 1992, A stream-sediment geochemical map (from NURE data) showing bulk silica distribution within the Eocene San Jose Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 43, p. 317-320, ( mapscale 1:1,000,000). (ABSTRACT)
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1991, Blue Canyon lava domeGallery of Geology: New Mexico Geology, v. 13, no. 4, p. 90.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1989, Criteria for the recognition of a pre-Eocene lateritic weathering profile, west-central New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 40, p. 3435.
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Anderson, O. J., 1989, The southern margin of the Colorado Plateau: A ragged edge bound by Neogene domains of crustal extension: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 40, p. 3738.
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Anderson, O. J., 1989, The LaramideZuni uplift, southeastern Colorado Plateau: A microcosm of Eurasian-style indentationextrusion tectonics?: New Mexico Geological Society,Guidebook 40, p. 8190. (ABSTRACT)
- Chamberlin, R. M., and McLemore, V. T., 1984, NURE geochemical reconnaissance maps of New Mexico; in Service/News: New Mexico Geology, v., no. 1.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1983, Cenozoic domino-style crustal extension in the Lemitar Mountains, New Mexico A summary: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 34, p. 111118, (map scale 1:50,000).
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1981, Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Socorro Peak volcanic center, central New Mexicoa summary: New Mexico Geology, v. 3, no. 2, p. 2224 (map scale; 1: 50,000).
- Chapin, C. E., Chamberlin, R. M., Osburn, G. R., White, D. W., and Sanford, A. R., 1978, Exploration framework of the Socorro geothermal area, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Special Publication 7, p. 115129
- Love, David W.; Rinehart, Alex; Chamberlin, Richard;Eda Celep; Koning, Dan, 2017, Implications of past extents of Rio Salado and Rio Puerco deposits in the southwestern corner of the Albuquerque Basin, New Mexico, in: New Mexico Geological Society, Annual Spring Meeting, April 7, 2017, Macey Center, New Mexico Institute Mining Technology, Socorro, NM, pp. 46.
- Chamberlin, R.M., McIntosh, W.C., Dunbar, N.W., and Dimeo, M.I., 2013, Ignimbrite Calderas and a Large Radiating Mafic Dike Swarm of Oligocene Age, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: Possible Implications to Restless Calderas, in Lowenstern, Jacob B., ed., 2013, Abstracts for the October 2012 meeting on Volcanism in the American Southwest, Flagstaff, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1026, 39 p. (Available at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2013/1026/.)
- Lucas, Spencer G.;Morgan, Gary;Bejnar, Craig;Dunbar, Nelia;Chamberlin, Richard;Love, David, 2013, Primitive mammoth jaw from Lower Pleistocene Rio Grande sediments, Socorro, New Mexico, in: New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting, April 12, 2013, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech campus, Socorro, NM, Dunbar, Nelia, ed(s), pp. 37.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1999, Partitioning of dextral slip in an incipient transverse shear zone of Neogene Age, northwestern Albuquerque Basin, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, no. 7, p. A-113. (ABSTRACT)
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Harrison, B., 1996, Pliocene and Pleistocene displacement history of the Socorro Canyon Fault, Central Rio Grande rift, New Mexico (abs.), New Mexico Geology, v. 18, no. 2, p. 56.
- Harrison, B., Chamberlin, R. M., and Shearer, E., 1996, Correlation and relative ages of Quaternary piedmont surfaces west of Socorro, New Mexico [abs.]: New Mexico Geology, v. 18, no. 2, p. 56.
- Barker, J. M., and Chamberlin, R. M., 1994, Eruptive history of the 3.9 Ma high-silica rhyolite volcano at No Agua Peaks, Taos County, New Mexico [abs.]: New Mexico Geology, v. 16, no. 3, p. 56.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1993, Neogene sinistral transtension along the Hickman fault zone, southeastern Colorado Plateau, New Mexico [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, no. 5, p. 19. (superceded by Chamberlin et al, 1994, NMGS Guidebook 45, p.1-45, see mileage 122.4)
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Anderson, O. J., 1991, A microindentationextrusion tectonic model for the Laramide Zuni uplift, west-central New Mexico, USA [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 23, no. 5, p. A482.
- Anderson, O. J., and Chamberlin, R. M., 1990, New insight and hypothesis on Zuni Basin fold structures, New Mexico: Exploration significance [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74/8, p. 1314.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1988, Reconnaissance geochemistry, inferred fluvial systems and economic potential of the Eocene San Jose Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico [abs.]; in Abstracts, New Mexico Geological Society: New Mexico Geology, v. 10, no. 3, p. 6869.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1987, Compositionally distinct Eocene fluvial systems in the San Juan Basin: A preliminary interpretation of "NURE" stream-sediment geochemical data [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 5, p. 265.
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Osburn, G. R., 1986, Tectonic framework, character, and evolution of upper crustal extension domains in the Socorro area of the Rio Grande rift [abs.]; in Beatty, B., and Wilkinson, P. (eds.), Frontiers in geology and ore deposits of Arizona and the southwest: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. XCI, p. 464.
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Bobrow, D. J., 1985, Geology and geochemistry of the Grefco perlite, Socorro, New Mexico [abs.]: SMEAIME Albuquerque Meeting, Abstracts and Programs.
- Chamberlin, R. M., and Osburn, G. R., 1984, Character and evolution of extensional domains in the Socorro Area of the Rio Grande rift, central New Mexico [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 476.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1983, Recognition of a pre-Eocene lateritic weathering profile, west-central New Mexico [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 5, p. 334.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1981, Unconformity related uranium deposits in upper Cretaceous sandstones, Datil Mountains area, west-central New Mexico [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 65, no. 3, p. 557
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1981, Uranium potential of the Datil MountainsPietown area, Catron County, New Mexico [abs.]: New Mexico Geology, v. 3, no. 4, p. 62.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1978, Structural development of the Lemitar Mountains, an intrarift tilted-fault-block uplift, central New Mexico [abs.]: Program and abstracts for International Symposium on the Rio Grande rift, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Pub. LA-7487-C, p. 2224.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1976, Rotated early-rift faults and fault blocks, Lemitar Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 6, p. 807.
- Chapin, C. E., Chamberlin, R. M., and others, 1974, Exploration framework of the Magdalena area, Socorro County, New Mexico [abs.]: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 25, p. 380.
- Chamberlin, R.M.; Love, D.W.; Harrison, B.J.; Lueth, V.W.; Frey, B.A.; Williams, S.; Connell, S.D., 2016, Day 0- West road log: Sevilleta west: Pre-meeting road log from Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge visitor center to San Acacia, Cerritos de las Minas, west Mesa, and San Lorenzo Spring, in: The Geology of the Belen Area, Frey, Bonnie A.; Karlstrom, Karl E.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Williams, Shannon; Zeigler, Kate; McLemore, Virginia; Ulmer-Scholle, Dana S., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 67th Field Conference, pp. 37-58. [View Summary]
- McLemore, Virginia T.; Chamberlin, Richard M.; Love, David W.; Cikoski, Colin T.; McLemore, James V., 2012, San Marcial Basin: Supplemental road log for Socorro to Forest Road 225, in: Geology of the Warm Springs region, Lucas, Spencer G.; McLemore, Virginia T.; Lueth, Virgil W.; Spielmann, Justin A.; Krainer, Karl, ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 63rd Field Conference, pp. 147-154. ISBN: 978-1-58546-098-4
- Chamberlin, Richard M.; Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Cather, Steven M.; Hook, Stephen C.; Krainer, Karl ; Spielman, Justin A., 2009, Southern Chupadera Mesa: First-day road log from Socorro to Chupadera Mesa via San Antonio, Carhtage, Bignham, Jones Camp, Broken Back Crater , and Fraley, in: Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Chamberlin, Richard M., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference (Road Logs), pp. 1-20. ISBN: 978-1-58546-095-3
- Chamberlin, R. M., Cather, S. M., McIntosh, W. C., Anderson, O. J., and Rattè, J. C., 1994, First-day road log from Socorro to Magdalena, Datil, western Crosby Mountains, Sawtooth Mountains, Pie Town, Quemado and Quemado Lake: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 145.
- Cather, S. M., Chamberlin, R. M., McIntosh, W. C., Witcher, J. C., Rattè, J. C., and Anderson, O. J., 1994, Second-day road log from Quemado Lake to Mangas Mountains, Omega, Quemado, Tejana Mesa and Red Hill, New Mexico and Springerville and Alpine, Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 4777.
- Rattè, J. C., Bove, D. J., Cather, S. M., Chamberlin, R. M., Crews, S. G., and McIntosh, W. C., 1994, Third-day road log, from Alpine, Arizona to Luna, Reserve, Apache Creek, Horse Springs and Datil, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 45, p. 79111.
- Chamberlin, R. M., Anderson, O. J., Lucas, S. G., Maxwell, C. H., and Love, D. W., 1989, Second-day road log from Grants to El Malpias, Fence Lake, Zuni Pueblo and Gallup, 1989: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 40, p. 124.
- Keller, G. R., Callender, J. R., Hawley, J. W., Chamberlin, R. M., Kluth, C. F., Olsen, K. H., Lozinsky, R. P., and McCurry, M., 1989, Geology and geophysics of the Rio Grande rift and Southern Rocky Mountains: 29th International Geological Congress, Field-trip Guidebook (T318), American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 37 p.
- Chamberlin, R. M., McLemore, V. T., Bowie, M. R., and Hawley, J. W., 1987, Road log from Socorro to Sedillo Hill and to Escondida; in McLemore, V. T., and Bowie, M. R., compilers, Guidebook to the Socorro area, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 75 p.
- Chamberlin, R. M., McLemore, V. T., Bowie, M. R., and Post, J. L., 1987, Road log from Socorro to Blue Canyon area of Socorro Peak, to U.S. 60 clay pit and to Luis Lopez manganese district; in McLemore, V. T., and Bowie, M. R., compilers, Guidebook to the Socorro area, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 75 p.
- Chamberlin, R. M., Osburn, G. R., and others, 1983, Road log from Socorro to Lemitar Mountains, La Jencia Basin, Baca Canyon, Riley, Jeter mine and San Lorenzo Canyon: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 34, p. 2959.
- Chapin, C. E., Jahns, R. H., Chamberlin, R. M., and Osburn, G. R., 1978, Road log from Socorro to Truth or Consequences via Magdalena and Winston: New Mexico Geological Society, Special Publication 7, p. 131.
- Chamberlin, Richard M.; Love, David W., 2016, Block diagrams and cross-sections illustrating geologic and tectonic evolution of the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, Rio Grande rift, central New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Geology Mineral Resources, Open-file Report, v. 0579, pp. 1-17.
- Chamberlin, Richard M., 2015, Geochemical, mineralogical, textural and map data for crystal-rich, caldera-facies Hells Mesa Tuff and a comagmatic lava dome, central New Mexico: with a note on compositional zoning (Supersedes NMBGMR Open-file Report 458), New Mexico Bureau Geology Mineral Resources, Open-file Report, v. 0568, pp. 1-45.
Chamberlin, R.M., McIntosh, W.C., Dunbar, N.W., and Dimeo, M.I., 2013, Ignimbrite Calderas and a Large Radiating Mafic Dike Swarm of Oligocene Age, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: Possible Implications to Restless Calderas, in Lowenstern, Jacob B., ed., 2013, Abstracts for the October 2012 meeting on Volcanism in the American Southwest, Flagstaff, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1026, 39 p. (Available at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2013/1026/.)
- Connell, S.D., Jackson, P. B., and Chamberlin, R.M., 1999, Field logs for Nested Piezometers, Nancy Lopez Site, Valencia County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open File Report 443A, 29p. (prepared for Office of State Engineer).
- Chamberlin, R. M., Jackson, P., and Connell, S. D., 1999, Field logs of borehole drilled for monitoring well at Dome Road Site, Cañada de Cochiti Grant, Sandoval County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 444C, 29 p. (Prepared for Office of State Engineer).
- Chamberlin, R. M., Jackson, P., Connell, S. D., Heynekamp, M., and Hawley, J. W., 1998, Field logs of borehole drilled for nested piezometers, Sierra Vista West Park Site: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 444-B, 24p. (prepared for City of Albuquerque).
- Chamberlin, R. M., Allen, B. D., Hawley, J. W., Connell, S. D., and Heynekamp, M., 1998, Field logs of borehole drilled for nested piezometers, Montesa Park Site: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 444-A, 15p. (prepared for City of Albuquerque).
- Hawley, J. W., Haase, C. S., Chamberlin, R. M., and others, 1992, Hydrogeologic framework of the northern Albuquerque Basin, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 387.
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1984, Interpretation of NURE geochemical and geophysical Data; in McLemore, V. T., and others, Preliminary report on the geology and mineral resource potential of the northern Rio Puerco Resource Area, Sandoval and Bernalillo counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 211.
- Chamberlin, R. M., Logsdon, M. J., and others, 1982, Preliminary evaluation of the mineral resource potential of the Sierra Ladrones Wilderness Study Area: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 179, 193 p., scale 1:100,000.
- .Chamberlin, R. M., 1981, Uranium potential of the Datil MountainsPietown area, Catron County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 138, 51 p., (map scale 1:250,000).
- Chamberlin, R. M., 1980, Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Socorro Peak volcanic center, central New Mexico: Ph.D.dissertation, Colorado School of Mines, 488 p, (map scale 1:12,000). (also available as NMBM&MR OF-118)
- .Chamberlin, R. M., 1974, Geology of the Council Rock district, Socorro County, New Mexico: M.S. thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 134 p., (map scale 1:24,000). (also availble as NMBGMR OF- 40)
Other Publications
- Chamberlin, Richard, 2012, Using block models to illustrate crustal extension in the Rio Grande rift, Lite Geology, v. 31, pp. 11-13.
- Chamberlin, Richard M., 2011, Gallery of Geology - The basalt of Broken Tank: an aphyric, ophitic basalt of the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico Geology, v. 33, no. 2, pp. 40-41.