The Laramide Zuni uplift, Southeastern Colorado Plateau: a microcosm of eurasian-style indentation-extrusion tectonics?
New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 40, p 81-90, 1989
ABSTRACT - Published accounts of Eurasian
tectonics and indentation-extrusion experiments on plasticine support
the concept that India has acted as a rigid indenter and driven 2000 km
into "plastic" Eurasia thereby causing: (1) vertical extrusion
of the Himalayas immediately in front of the indenter, (2) cradling and
northward translation of the unstable wedge-shaped Tibetan Plateau in
front of the Himalayan uplift, now accreted to the indenter and (3) lateral
extrusion of Indochina, followed by China, eastward off the right face
the Tibetan wedge, which now forms a streamlined secondary face accreted
to the Indian indenter. The NW-trending Zuni uplift (60 x 100 km) lies
within the Colorado Plateau, adjacent to the N face of a NNE-trending
gravity high, which extends from El Morro, NM to the plateau margin near
Morenci, AZ, about 250 km to the SSW. Limited evidence indicates that
the El Morro gravity high represents a Precambrian mafic igneous belt
(rift?); and that it was truncated by a NW-trending strike-slip shear
zone during the late Paleozoic Ouachita-ancestral Rocky Mountain orogeny.
We hypothesize that during the late Laramide (Eocene), the El Morro gravity
high acted as a rigid crustal beam (indenter); it was detached at a mid-crustal
ductile zone and driven northward by horizontal stresses generated at
the edge of the plateau. The N face of the El Morro indenter functioned
as a large hydraulic ram; it created hydrostatic pressures in excess of
the lithostatic pressures, and thereby caused about 2400 m of vertical
extrusion and uplift centered about the Mt. Sedgwick block complex ¾
the Precambrian core of the Zuni uplift. High-angle reverse faults that
bound this core complex appear to grade laterally into left- and right-lateral
strike-slip faults toward the corners of the main block. Extruded blocks
preferentially slipped left (NW) across the indenter face, locally pulling
apart and creating a cup in the N face of the uplift. Inward compression,
caused by the cup, created the wedge-shaped Bluewater Lake block, now
spearheading the streamlined indenter. The sinuous Nutria monocline was
then formed at the leading edge of tapered blocks, uplifted and extruded
to the west off the spearhead. At the same time, en echelon (left stepping)
monoclines of the Grants-Fernandez system formed in front of NNE-extruded
blocks on the right flank of the spearhead. Late-stage strike-slip faults
outlined the contracted flanks of the the indenter as it weakened by strain
heating(?). Near Fence Lake, along the west flank of the El Morro gravity
high, as much as 5 km of left-lateral slip is inferred on a concealed
fault that juxtaposes marine against nonmarine Cretaceous strata. We suggest
these traits may qualify the Zuni uplift as a microcosm of Eurasian indentation-extrusion