Dr. Maureen Wilks
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Selected Publications
- Wilks, Maureen, New Mexico's renewable energy industries, Lite Geology, v. 37, p 2-6, 2015
- Wilks, Maureen, What minerals supply renewable energy needs?, Lite Geology, v. 37, p. 6-7, 2015
- Wilks, Maureen,Global impacts of coal production, Lite Geology, v. 36, p. 10-12, 2014
- Wilks, Maureen, Global impacts of the shale oil and gas boom, Lite Geology, v. 35, p. 7-8, 2014
- Wilks, Maureen, Cave dwellers, Lite Geology, v. 34, pp. 5-7, 2013
- Wilks, Maureen; Bland, Douglas, Volcanoes of the Rio Grande rift, Lite Geology, v. 33, pp. 2-7, 2013
- Hoffman, Gretchen K.; Wilks, Maureen, 2013, Acquiring and georeferencing coal mine maps: San Juan Basin, NM, in: 2013 New Mexico Geological Society,Spring Meeting, April 12, 2013, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM, New Mexico Geology, v. 35, no. 2, pp. 51.
- Hoffman, Gretchen K.; Wilks Maureen, Acquiring and georeferencing coal mine maps: San Juan Basin including the Gallup Coal Field (Supersedes OFR 530), New Mexico Bureau Geology Mineral Resources, Open-file Report, v. 549, DVD, 2012
- Hoffman, Gretchen K.; Wilks Maureen, Abandoned and inactive coal mines of the Gallup Coal Field, McKinley County, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Geology Mineral Resources, Open-file Report, 530, DVD, 2010.
- New Mexico Geologic Highway Map, compiled by Maureen E. Wilks, 2005. New Mexico Geological Society and New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 1 double-sided field-durable sheet containing text and figures, scale 1:1,000,000
- Virginia T. McLemore, K. Donahue, C. B. Krueger, A. Rowe, L. Ulbricht, M. J. Jackson, M. R. Breese, G. Jones, and M. Wilks, Database of uranium mines, prospects, occurrence, and mills in New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Geology Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 461, CD-ROM 2005
- Virginia T. McLemore, K. Donahue, C. B. Krueger, a. rowe, L. Ulbricht, M. J. Jackson, M. R. Breese, G. Jones, and M. Wilks, Database of uranium mines, prospects, occurrence, and mills in New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Geology Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 461, CD-ROM, 2002
- James Barker, Maureen Wilks, Glen Jones, Adam Read, Karl Frisch, Judy vaiza, Lynne Hemenway, Terry Gonzales, Donn Schwatzenberg, Larry Kehow, Jami Bailey, Natali Runyon, Construction aggregate on New Mexico State Trust Lands, New Mexico Bureau Geology Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 462, CD_ROM, 2001
- Thomas Wiewandt and Maureen Wilks, The Southwest Inside Out : An illustrated guide to the land and its history, 208 p., 2001.
- J. J. Pfeil, A. J. Leavitt, M. E. Wilks, S. Azevedo, L. Hemenway, K. Glesener, J. M. Barker, G. E. Miera, P. Kolbenschlag, Mines, Mills and Quarries in New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Geology Mineral Resources, Report, 2001.
- Ronald F. Broadhead, Maureen Wilks, Mathew Morgan, and Roy E. Johnson, The New Mexico Petroleum source Rock database. New Mexico Bureau Mines Mineral Resources, DDS-DB2 , CD-ROM, 1998
- Maureen Wilks and Charles E. Chapin. The New Mexico Geochronological Database. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, DDS-DB1 , 1997.
- M. E. Wilks and G.D. Harper. The Wyoming Craton. In Tectonic Evolution qf Greenstone Belts, eds. L.D. Ashwal and M.de Wit, Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK, p. 508-516, 1997.
- M. Wilks, A new database of Phanerozoic isotopic ages in New Mexico, New Mexico GEolgoical Society Annual Spring Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, New Mexico Geology, v. 18, p. 55-56, 1996
- M. E. Wilks, R. B. Colpitts, and E.W. Fry. NORM in New Mexico. Abstr. 3rd Annual Proceedings of WERC, Las Cruces, N.M., 1993.
- M. E. Wilks. A Summary of the Regional Geology of the Permian and San Juan Basins of New Mexico. Report to the NORM Committee, New Mexico Environment Department, May, 1992.
- K. C. Condie, M. E. Wilks, D. M. Rosen, and V. L. Zlobin. Geochemistry of Metasediments from the Precambrian Hapschan series, eastern Anabar Shield, Siberia: Precambrian Research, v. 50, p. 37-47, 1991.
- M. E. Wilks. Archean A-type granites. Do they exist? Abstr. 3rd Intemational Archean Symposium, Perth, September, p. 17-21, 1990.
- E.G. Nisbet and M.E. Wilks. The Steep Rock Lake Stromatolite Reef, Atikokan, N.W. Ontario: In Reefs-Canada and Adjacent Areas, eds., H.J.Geldsetzer, N.P.James and G.E.Tebbutt. C.S.P.G. Memoir 13, p. 89-92, 1989
- M. E. Wilks. The Himalayas--A Modern analogue for Archean Crustal Growth: Earth, Planet. Sci. Lett., v. 87, p. 127-136, 1988.
- M. E. Wilks and E.G. Nisbet. The Geology of the Steep Rock Group, N.W.Ontario, A major Archean unconformity and Archean stromatolites: Canadian Joumal of Earth Sciences, v. 25, p. 370-391, 1988.
- M. E. Wilks. The effect of thicker oceanic crust on Archean Tectonics: Abstr. in Workshop on the Growth of Continental Crust. Lunar Planetary Institute, No. 88-02, 1987.
- M. E. Wilks and E. G. Nisbet. Archaean stromatolites from the Steep Rock Group, northwestern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Joumal of Earth Sciences, v. 22, p. 792-799, 1985