A Geologic Odyssey: References
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- Mozley, P. S., and Goodwin, L. B., 1995, Patterns of cementation along a Cenozoic normal fault: a record of paleoflow orientations: Geology, v. 23, p. 539-542.
- Mozley, P. S., Beckner, J., and Whitworth, T. M., 1995, Spatial distribution of calcite cement in the Santa Fe Group, Albuquerque Basin, NM: Implications for groundwater resources. New Mexico Geology, v. 17, pp. 88-93.
- Reiter, M., 1999, Hydrogeothermal studies on the southern part of Sandia National Laboratories/ Kirtland Air Force Base- Data regarding groundwater flow across the boundary of an intermontane basin, in Haneberg, W.C., Mozley, P.S., Moore, J.C., and Goodwin, L.B., editors, Faults and Subsurface Fluid Flow in the Shallow Crust: American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph, v. 113, p. 207-222.
- Treadwell-Steitz, C., and McFadden, L. D., 2000, Influence of parent material and grain size on carbonate coatings in gravelly soils, Palo Duro Wash, New Mexico: Geoderma 94, no. 1, 1-22.
- Whitworth, T.M., Haneberg, W.C., Mozley, P.S., and Goodwin, L.B., 1999, Solute sieving induced calcite precipitation on pulverized quartz sand-- experimental results and implications for the membrane behavior of fault gouge, in Haneberg, W.C., Mozley, P.S., Moore, J.C., and Goodwin, L.B., editors, Faults and Subsurface Fluid Flow in the Shallow Crust: American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph, v. 113, p. 149-158.
We thank Ben Rebach for generating these HTML files, and Kathy Glesener for generating the poster that these files are based upon. We thank Peter Mozley and Curtis Monger for helping to interpret the thin sections. Bruce Harrison measured the densities and carbonate contents of some of our samples. Bill McIntosh and Nelia Dunbar helped photograph the specimens and the thin sections. Amy Gibson, Nizhoni Abeita, John Sorrell, Sean Connell, and Patty Jackson Paul helped measure some of the stratigraphic sections of ancestral Rio Grande sediments. We are grateful to the Pueblo of Isleta, and State Land Office for permission to look at the geology of their lands. The New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology supported this research as an outgrowth of basic mapping in the area.