Directions to reach the NMT Microprobe Lab
From the North (Albuquerque)
1. Go south on I-25, towards Socorro and Belen. Socorro is about 70 miles south of Albuquerque.
2. When you arrive in Socorro, take the first exit off I-25.
3. You will now be on California street, recognizable by many gas stations and fast food restaurants.
4. Drive until you see a "Taco Bell" restaurant, and turn right at the stop light between the "Taco Bell" and the Kentucky Fried Chicken (now called "KFC").
5. You will now be driving towards the mountains. Once you've driven about 1 mile, you will enter the New Mexico Tech campus and the Bureau of Geology building is the first one on the left.
6. The Microprobe Laboratory is on the ground floor in the north wing of the building.
7. In case you get lost, the lab phone is (575) 835-5155 (just 5155 from on campus). Nelia's phone is 5783 and Lynn's is 5166
From the South (El Paso)
1. Come north on I-25, towards Socorro.
2. When you arrive in Socorro, take the first exit off I-25.
3. You will now be on California street, recognizable by many gas stations and fast food restaurants.
4. Drive until you see a Furrs grocery store. Just past the store is a Kentucky Fried Chicken (now called "KFC") and a Taco Belle. Turn left at the stop light between the two restaurants.
Follow instructions above starting at #5.