MINES Thermodynamic Database — GEMS Tutorials

National Science Foundation
Start with our new tutorial gitbook! Follow the instructions and copy each of the tutorial project folders below to your gems project library folder (Library\Gems3\projects). Start with Module 1 to learn about project and resource folder locations and get started with GEMS. The entire tutorial package can also be downloaded here as a .zip file with solved/unsolved problems (for workshop).
In Module 1, you will learn how to add the MINES thermodynamic database files to your GEMS resource folder, and how to create a new project from scratch. In Module 2, you will model the hydrolysis of feldspar. In Module 3, you will learn how to add a rock and a fluid, and simulate titration and greisen alteration. In Module 4, we will continue the greisen alteration model and simulate a multi-pass and single-pass cooling models. In Module 5, you will learn about GEM2MT to simulate a reactive mass transport problems. To run these tutorials you will need to download and install the latest GEM-Selektor.
Tutorials & Gitbooks
- GEMS Tutorial Gitbook (these are the latest tutorials)
Project Files
- Module 1 (no project file) download MINES database
- Module 2 (project file)
- Module 3 (project file)
- Module 4 (project file) (use only if you do not manage to solve Module 3)
- Module 5 (project file)
GEMS Code Package
The GEMS code package provides a free versatile geochemical tool taking advantage of modern computational methods and the Gibbs energy minimization (GEM) method. The core of GEMS includes the GEMS3K numerical kernel capable of solving fluid-rock equilibria problems at elevated temperatures and pressures in highly non-ideal systems. GEMS3K is a chemical equilibrium speciation solver for modeling multiphase-multicomponent geochemical equilibria using the GEM algorithm, with a built-in selection of activity models and equations of state in the TSolMod class library. This library includes a comprehensive selection of fluid, gas, liquid, and solid solution models of interest for geochemical, petrological, material science, and chemical engineering applications. The GEMS3K kernel is also implemented in the GEMSFITS code for parameter optimization of internally consistent databases, and in the user friendly program GEM-Selektor v.3.3.
Alexander Gysi
Economic Geologist
New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
801 Leroy Place
Socorro NM 87801-4796

Alexander Gysi
Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Iceland, 2010