MINES Thermodynamic Database — Workshops
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Past Workshops:
Goldschmidt Conference Workshop, Lyon, France, July 8-9, 2023
Ore-forming processes and metasomatism: combining experimental and modeling methods to interpret field observations
Organizers: Alexander Gysi (NMT), Nicole Hurtig (NMT), Pan Ruiguang (NMT), Daniel Harlov (GFZ Potsdam), Dan Miron (PSI, Switzerland), Dmitrii Kulik (PSI, Switzerland)

The goal of this workshop is to bring together a broad community interested in the interpretation of crustal metasomatism and ore-forming processes. This two-day workshop includes hands-on tutorials, lectures, and discussions about current thermodynamic modeling methods, the databases required, and the experimental approaches used to study metasomatism and element transport associated with hydrothermal fluid-rock interaction in the crust. Short discussion sessions will be included in order for the audience to find connections between the content of the workshop and their own particular interests in crustal fluid-rock interaction, including examples from both natural systems and experiments.
The workshop is intended for graduate students, researchers, and professionals who want to learn how to apply the GEMS code package (http://gems.web.psi.ch) coupled to the MINES thermodynamic database (https://geoinfo.nmt.edu/mines-tdb/) to geochemical modeling, as well as learn about how to use current experimental methods regarding fluid-rock equilibria to interpret the evolution of natural ore-forming systems at elevated P-T conditions. The GEMS code package is based on Gibbs energy minimization, and provides a user-friendly framework for predicting mass transfer in complex non-ideal systems such as those associated with ore-forming processes.
The workshop covered: 1) fundamentals of the GEM-Selektor code package and thermodynamic databases for simulating fluid-rock systems; 2) the GEMSFITS parameter optimization tool for optimizing thermodynamic properties against experimental data; 3) an overview of experimental advances in the study of aqueous complexes and mineral solubilities in hydrothermal fluids; 4) the stability and mobility of metasomatically induced and altered REE mineral phases in crustal rocks (e.g. monazite, xenotime, apatite, allanite, and titanite); 5) insights from field case studies of critical mineral deposits.

Goldschmidt Virtual Workshop:
Fluid-rock interaction and ore deposits in the Earth’s crust: coupling of field and experimental methods with numerical modeling
Online: Monday June 28 - Tuesday 29 , 2021
Organizers: Alexander P. Gysi (NMT), Nicole Hurtig (NMT), Dan Miron (PSI), Dmitrii Kulik (PSI), Daniel Harlov (GFZ Potsdam)
An introduction to to thermodynamic modeling of fluid-rock interaction and ore-forming processes using GEMS
Geochemical Society, Online: December 8-9, 2020
Organizers: Alexander Gysi, Nicole Hurtig, Dan Miron
- Workshop and tutorial introduction (video)
- Lecture (video & PDF): Simulation of fluid-rock interaction and ore-forming processes — Alexander Gysi
- Lecture (video): GEMSFITS and ThermoEcos — Dan Miron
9th Russian young-scientists scientific school “New knowledge in ore forming processes”
Workshop: Numerical modeling of fluid-rock interaction and ore-forming processes
Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy & Geochemistry, Moscow, November, 2019 (one day)
Organizer: A. Gysi
Goldschmidt Conference:
Metasomatism and ore deposits in the Earth's
crust: experimental and modeling methods
Boston, August 11-12 2018
Organizers: A. Gysi, D. Kulik, D. Miron, Daniel Harlov.
Numerical modeling of fluid-rock interaction in crustal systems
University of Iceland, November, 2018 (2 days)
Organizers: A. Gysi, N. Hurtig

National Science Foundation
Alexander Gysi
Economic Geologist
New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
801 Leroy Place
Socorro NM 87801-4796

Alexander Gysi
Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Iceland, 2010