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Decision Makers Field Guide – 2003

2003 cover
2003 guidebook cover

Water Resources of the Lower Pecos Region, New Mexico—Science, Policy, and a Look to the Future

Edited by Peggy S. Johnson, Lewis A. Land, L. Greer Price, and Frank Titus

Water in New Mexico is a complex and important issue. Nowhere is that more true than on the Pecos River in eastern New Mexico. This anthology of 30 short articles is a timely look at water issues along the Pecos River, from Sumner Lake to the Texas state line. Produced in conjunction with the third annual Decision-Makers Field Conference in October 2003, this volume is an authoritative look at the historical framework and a summary of where we are—and where we're going—on the Pecos River in New Mexico. 145 pages, tables, graphs, and illustrations, color photographs, and page-size maps.

See an overview of this series and the other available guidebooks.

ISBN: 9781883905170
This publication is out-of-print.
Available as a free download.


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