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Decision Makers Field Guide – 2005

2005 cover
2005 guidebook cover

Mining in New Mexico—The Environment, Water, Economics, and Sustainable Development

Edited by L. Greer Price, Doulas Bland, Virginia T. McLemore, and James M. Barker

Mining has played a significant role in the history and develop- ment of New Mexico and continues to play an important role in the state's economic prosperity. The future of this industry will depend upon achieving a balance between our needs and desires, the changing economy, and our growing concern over environmental and social issues. This anthology of 30 articles is a timely look at some of those science and policy issues. 176 pages with tables, diagrams, maps, and color photographs throughout.

See an overview of this series and the other available guidebooks.

ISBN: 9781883905222
This publication is out-of-print.
Available as a free download.


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