Mines, Mills, and Quarries in New Mexico

in New Mexico
compiled by
John J. Pfeil
Alysia J. Leavitt
— Mining and Minerals Division,
New Mexico Energy, Minerals &
Natural Resources Department
Maureen E. Wilks
Sandra Azevedo
Lynne Hemenway
Kathryn Glesener
James M. Barker
— New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
Mines, Mills, and Quarries in New Mexico is a cooperative publication of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, the Mining and Minerals Division of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, and the New Mexico Bureau of Mine Inspection, 2001, 46 pp., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000. Data on active mining operations are collected by the Mining and Minerals Division of the NMEMNRD. The data are now organized in the text by the type of commodity based on reporting form (Industrial minerals form 3, for example) and thereafter alphabetically by county. Commodity codes are still used to key individual mining operations to the map. The text has seven major divisions: 1) Aggregate and stone mining, 2) Coal mining, 3) Industrial minerals mining and milling, 4) Metals, 5) Potash, 6) Smelters, converters, and refineries, and 7) Uranium mining and milling. Specific data listed for each entry include the name of the operation, the commodity mined or milled, ownership, address, current status, location (USGS quadrangle and section, township, and range), and mineral and surface estate owner. Additional appendices contain: 1) New Mexico's mineral industry--an overview, 2) Land division by the township and range system, 3) Sources for state and regional maps of New Mexico, 4) Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service offices, 5) County courthouses, and 6) Sources of permits for energy and minerals development on Indian lands. Commodity, operator, and mines, mills and quarries indices allow readers easier access to the data. This report is also available as a downloadable pdf file. 46 pp., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000. free print publication (contact or visit our publications office) or free PDF download (2.4 Mb PDF).
The New Mexico Energy, Minerals, & Natural Resources Department — Mining and Minerals Division has a more current version of this data available as an interactive map.