Reconnaissance geologic map and sections of Hillsboro and San Lorenzo 15-min. quadrangles, Grant and Sierra Co., New Mexico, Seager, W. R., 1994, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Reconnaissance geologic map of Kaylor Mountain 15-minute quadrangle, Doña Ana and Sierra Counties, New Mexico, Seager, William R., 1994, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Characterization of hydrogeologic units in the Northern Albuquerque Basin, New Mexico, Haneberg, W. C.; Hawley, J. W., 1996, 227 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Hydrogeology of potential recharge areas for the basin- and valley-fill aquifer systems, and hydrogeochemical modeling of proposed artificial recharge of upper Santa Fe aquifer northern Albuquerque Basin, New Mexico, Hawley, John W.; Whitworth, T. M., 1996, 575 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geologic map of the Mt. Withington 7.5 minute quadrangle, Socorro County, New Mexico, Ferguson, C. A.; Osburn, G. R., 1994, 2 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Clay deposit adjacent to NM-44 north of Bernalillo, Austin, George S., 1994, 8 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Zuni Salt Lake 7½ min. quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico, Anderson, Orin J., 1994, 21 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Reconnaissance geologic map of the Quemado 30x60 minute quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico, Chamberlin, Richard M.; Cather, Steven M.; Anderson, Orin J.; Jones, Glen E., 1994, 30 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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The geology, exploration, and production history of the Begay No. 1 and Carrizo No. 1 uranium-vanadium mines, San Juan County, New Mexico, Chenoweth, William L., 1994, 19 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geologic map of New Mexico, 1:500,000 (2 sheets, plotted on demand), Anderson, Orin J.; Jones, Glen E., 1994, 43 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Potential environmental impact of the abandoned La Bajada uranium mine on Cochiti Pueblo, Whitworth, T. M., 1995, 272 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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40Ar/39Ar age determinations of four plutons associated with mineral deposits in southwestern New Mexico, McLemore, Virginia T.; McIntosh, W. C.; Pease, T. C., 1996, 36 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geologic maps of upper Cenozoic deposits of the Loma de las Canas and Mesa del Yeso 7.5 minute quadrangles, New Mexico, Cather, Steven M., 1996, 32 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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The Sand Point well site, Eddy County, New Mexico, Powers, Dennis W., 1995, 310 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Background and site-specific geology and hydrology for the Loving Land-fill site, Eddy County, New Mexico, Powers, Dennis W., 1995, 67 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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The geology, leasing, and production history of the Plot 7 uranium-vanadium mines, San Juan County, New Mexico, Chenoweth, William L., 1995, 24 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geologic map of the Luis Lopez 7.5 minute quadrangle, Socorro County, New Mexico, Chamberlin, Richard M.; Eggleston, Theodore L., 1999, 152 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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The geology, leasing, and production history of the Plot 3 uranium-vanadium mines, San Juan County, New Mexico, Chenoweth, William L., 1996, 37 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Application of an area review variance methodology to the San Juan Basin of New Mexico, Warner, Don L.; Koederitz, Leonard D.; Dunn-Norman, Shari; Laudon, Robert C., 1996, 201 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Mining history and mineral resources of the Mimbres Resource Area, Doña Ana, Luna, Hidalgo, and Grant Counties, New Mexico, Virginia T. McLemore, David M. Sutphin, Daniel R Hack and Tim C. Pease, 1996, 251 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Quaternary geology and geomorphology of the Sandia Mountains piedmont, central New Mexico, Connell, Sean D., 1996, 414 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Field boring log reports, City of Albuquerque piezometer nests (Sister City Park, Del Sol Dividers, Hunters Ridge Park 1, West Bluff Park, Garfield Park), Johnson, Peggy S.; Connell, S. D.; Allred, B.; Allen, B. D., 1996, 25 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Influence of depositional environment on clay mineralogy in the coal bearing lower Moreno Hill Formation, Salt lake coalfield, west-central New Mexico, Hoffman, Gretchen K., 1996, 21 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Demonstrated reserve base for coal in New Mexico, Hoffman, Gretchen K., 1996, 126 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geomorphic surface maps of the southern Animas Creek valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, Vincent, Kirk R.; Krider, P. Reed, 1998, 59 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Petrographic analysis of Upper Paleozoic rocks in southern Luna County, Clemons, Russell E., 1997, 79 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Questa mining district--volcanic, plutonic, tectonic, and hydrothermal history, Meyer, Jeff M.; Leonardson, Robert, 1997, 187 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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The geology, leasing and production history of the Red Wash Point uranium-vanadium mines on H. S. Begay's mining permits, San Juan County, New Mexico, Chenoweth, William L., 1997, 16 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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The geology, leasing and production history of the Red Wash Point uranium-vanadium mine, San Juan County, New Mexico, Chenoweth, William L., 1997, 21 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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The role of sand/shale interfaces in NAPL (nonaqueous-phase liquids) transport, Whitworth, T. M.; Hsu, Claire, 1997, 204 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Geology of the Circle Mesa 7 ½-minute quadrangle, Grant County, New Mexico, Cunningham, John, 1997, 20 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Consolidation test results, triaxial permeability values, and particle size distributions, 98th Street ground-water monitoring well, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Haneberg, W.; Allred, Barry; Swearingen, Priscilla; Gibson, Amy, 1998, 126 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Rio Grande Gorge Highway Corridor Study, Rinconada to Pilar, Haneberg, W.; Bauer, P. W.; Chavez, W. X., Jr., 1992, 22 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Availability of coal resources in the Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin, northwest New Mexico, Hoffman, Gretchen K.; Jones, Glen E., 1998, 26 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Surface-water assessment Taos County, New Mexico, Johnson, Peggy, 1998, 333 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Aggregate reactivity and concrete durability in New Mexico, Austin, George S.; Coose, K. E., 1998, 29 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Hydrocarbon source facies characterization Pennsylvanian-Age sediment penetrated by the El Paso Natural Gas Company no. 50 San Juan Unit 29-5 well, Rio Arriba Co., New Mexico, Bayliss, Geoffrey S., 1997, 98 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Field logs of boreholes for nested piezometers, Nancy Lopez, Valencia County, New Mexico, Connell, Sean.; Jackson, Patricia B.; Chamberlin, Richard M., 1999, 30 pages, [Printed on demand].
Field logs of boreholes for nested piezometers, Tome Site, Valencia Co., New Mexico, Jackson, Patricia B.; Connell, Sean D., [Printed on demand].
Field Logs of Borehole drilled for Nested piezometers, Montesa Park, Chamberlin, Richard M.; Allen, Bruce D.; Hawley, John w.; Connell, Sean D.; Heynekamp, Michael H., 1998, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Field logs of Borehole drilled for Nested Piezometers, Sierra Vista West Park Site, Chamberlin, Richard M.; Jackson, Patricia B.; Connell, Sean D.; Heynekamp, M.; Hawley, John W., 1998, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Field logs of Borehole drilled for monitoring well at Dome Road Site Canada de Cochiti Grant, Chamberlin, Richard M.; Jackson, Patricia B.; Connell, Sean D., 1999, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Field boring log for Sandia Pueblo Well, City of Albuquerque piezometer nest FY1998, Chamberlin, Richard M.; Jackson, Patricia; Connell, Sean D., 1998, 28 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Preliminary interpretations of the lithostratigraphy, hydrostratigraphy, and borehole geophysics of the Westgate Heights Park well site, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jackson Paul, Patricia B.; Connell, Sean D., 2001, 24 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Field logs of boreholes for nested piezometers, Noreste Park site, Paul, Patricia B. Jackson; Connell, Sean D.; Hawley, John W.; Chamberlin, Richard M.; Allen, Bruce D., 1998, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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A regional geochemical atlas for part of Socorro County, New Mexico, Watrus, James M., 1998, 176 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation, Bayliss, G. S., 2000, 11 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Reservoir rock evaluation of Pennsylvanian sandstones, Reservoirs Inc., 2000, 88 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Hydrocarbon source facies characterization; Pennsylvanian- age sediment penetrated by the El Paso Natural Gas Company no. 50 San Juan Unit 29-5 well, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, Bayliss, Geoffrey S., 2000, 94 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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Hydrocarbon source facies character of sediments penetrated by Shell Oil Company Shell Oil Company, no. 1 lsleta central well Valencia County, New Mexico (Spot NW NW Sec. 7; T7N; R2E), Bayliss, Geoffrey S., 2000, 59 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
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