Desalinated brackish water has been discussed in New Mexico as a possible alternative supply for drinking water. The communities of Tularosa and Alamogordo continue to explore using brackish water as a municipal water supply, and plans are quite advanced toward production. The communities in this region are actively seeking information to insure protection of fresh water supplies while implementing the use of alternate source water sources - brackish groundwater. The main goal for this project is to provide publicly available information for these communities. This project aims to review and digitize data related to this region, compiling relevant data that are available related to fresh water and brackish water resources. Upon this compilation, NMBGMR will perform a data gap analysis (spatial, temporal, and with respect to depth) in order to target approximately 30 new well locations for further water quality information. The final product of this project will include a summary report, characterizing the fresh and brackish water resources.
This project is funded by the New Mexico Environment Department, Drinking Water Bureau, under Source Water Protection.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Talon Newton, Hydrogeologist
Stacy Timmons, Hydrogeologist / Aquifer Mapping Program Manager
- Newton, B. Talon; Land, Lewis, 2016, Brackish Water Assessment in the Eastern Tularosa Basin, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources, Open-file Report - 582, 25 pages.