40ar/39ar geochronology of Middle to Late Cenozoic ignimbrites, mafic lavas, and volcaniclastic rocks in the Quemado Region, New Mexico
New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 45, p165-185, 1994
Abstract - In order to better address stratigraphic problems identified
during geologic mapping the Quemado, New Mexico area, 40Ar/
39Ar dating methods were applied to 33 samples of volcanic
and volcaniclastic rocks. Single-crystal laser-fusion techniques were
used to determine eruptive ages of rhyolitic ignimbrites and of volcanic
pumice and ash in sandstones. Mafic lavas were analyzed by step-heating
of bulk samples. Sanidine phenocrysts from Quemado area ignimbrites range
in age from 34.98 + 0.19 to 27.23 + 0.09 Ma. Age and K/Ca
results allow these distal-facies outflow sheets to be confidently correlated
with 11 well-known regional ignimbrites erupted from calderas in the Mogollon-Datil
volcanic field. Ages for the Datil Well Tuff (34.98 + 0.19 Ma)
and Rock House Canyon Tuff (34.17 + 0.08 Ma) are significantly
younger than published values, probably reflecting xenocrystic contamination
in previously analyzed bulk samples. Lithic-rich ignimbrites within the
South Crosby Peak Formation contain phenocrystic plagioclase that indicates
an eruptive age near 29.67 Ma. These units lack phenocrystic sanidine
but contain sanidine xenocrysts derived from older rhyolitic ignimbrites.
Sparse sanidine and abundant plagioclase from syneruptive volcaniclastic
facies suggest depositional ages of 35 to 33 Ma for the volcaniclastic
unit of Cañon del Leon and approximately 37 Ma for ash-rich beds
in the Dog Springs Formation. Phenocrystic plagioclase from the Cerrito
Viejo dacitic intrusion yielded low-resolution results indicating emplacement
near 30.6 + 1.5 Ma. Step heating of groundmass concentrates from
Oligocene and Pliocene mafic to intermediate lavas gave disturbed spectra
and approximate isochron ages for the andesite of San Antone Canyon (29.2
Ma, new unit), Squirrel Springs Andesite (28.8 Ma), Bearwallow Mountain
Andesite (26.1 Ma), and basalts of Blue Mesa (5.7-4.5 Ma). In combination
with recent mapping and stratigraphic data, 40Ar/ 39Ar
dating results provide a valuable chronostratigraphic framework for interpretation
of stratigraphy, sedimentation and tectonic history of the Quemado area.