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rockin logoVirtual Field Trip—Group 4
Geologic Features of the Alamagordo Fault

Group 4

Western scarp face through NMSU campus

The group

GPS Location: UTM Zone 13S, 0413442E, 3642737N

This is an overview of the western scarp face of the Sacramento Mountains looking south along the Alamogordo scarp face. Located at the NMSU Alamogordo Branch campus. This picture shows an urban area on a young fault.

Arroyo down-cutting in response to fault movement

The group

GPS Location: UTM Zone13S, 0413326E, 3642818N

This west-trending arroyo has cut down through the fault scarp and demonstrates recent adjustment to movement on the fault. The size range of clastic material contained in the arroyo shows poor sorting.

Alluvial fan

The group

GPS Location: UTM Zone 13S, 0413305E, 3642834N

Alluvial fan looking north eastward represents the undisturbed foot-wall east of the scarp. The Alluvial fan is composed of debris shed off of the western slopes of the Sacramento mountains over several million years, demonstrating slope decline.

Looking south along the fault scarp

The group

GPS Location: UTM Zone 13S, 0413313E, 2642826N

Looking south along the fault scarp we see that portions of the NMSU Campus are on the fault creating a potential earthquake hazard. We measured the slope of the scarp at a 25 degree angle to the west and its height at approximately 8 meters.

Looking northwest along the scarp face

The group

GPS Location: UTM Zone 13S, 0413313E, 2642826N

Looking north along the fault scarp we note that the regional general hospital is located a few hundred meters west of the fault. Future movement on the fault could significantly impact medical services in the area.

Incision and deposition within hanging wall

Incision and deposition within the hanging wall, looking east

The group

GPS Location: UTM Zone 13S, 0413313N, 3642826E

Looking at the mountain face, east up the arroyo, we see the fault scarp. The arroyo has cut down through the alluvial fan in both the hanging wall and the foot wall. Note the exposed Pennsylvanian limestone bedrock above the arroyo on the mountain face.

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