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Image Gallery

The photographs and figures shown on this page and on the banner of our website generally highlight interesting geological features in New Mexico. We also have several curated galleries including our Image of the Day, our pages highlighting New Mexico's Enchanting Landscapes, and snapshots from our Annual NM Mineral Symposium.

Click on any image to start a slideshow.

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Drone view downstream from above the confluence of the Rio Nutria and the Rio Chama
Nighttime Monsoon and Lightning over Polvadera Mountain
Nighttime Monsoon Rain and Lightning over Polvadera, July
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Wild Rivers Recreation Area
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Mud cracks in an arroyo near San Ysidro
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Bisti Badlands
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Fly Ash From a Coal Fired Power Plant
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Mount Taylor, a large strato-volcano near Grants, NM, viewed from I-40.
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Fall in La Cienega
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Drone view upstream of Meander Rapid on the Rio Chama
Folsom Falls
Wandering Among the Lava Flows
Red Wash Canyon
Red Wash Canyon, near Abiquiu, angular unconformity
View from the flanks of Cabezon Peak
Harding Pegmatite
Harding Pegmatite
Cornudas Mountain sticking out of flat-lying Paleozoic limestones
Cornudas Mountains looking SW
Water Canyon Cliffs
Red Cliffs At Water Canyon
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Field Trip Presentation
photograph of a mesa near Sanostee, NM
Mesa near Sanostee
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