Guidelines for Submission of Open-file Reports
- All nominations for open-file reports must go through our Webmaster.
- We do not generally accept masters or doctoral theses for open-file reports, as they are usually available elsewhere.
- The New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources will review those manuscripts that come from outside authors before they are accepted for publication as open-file reports.
- We accept final submissions for open-file reports in electronic format only (see details below).
- Numbers will be assigned to open-file reports once they have been accepted for publication, and once all of the pieces are submitted in electronic format (see below). We cannot pre-assign open-file report numbers to works before completion and acceptance.
- Please make sure that you include an authority page that credits authors, collaborators, contributors, etc. Such a page would also include funding sources (if appropriate), institution(s) that sponsored the work, all credits, dates when the work was accomplished, etc. Once we accept a manuscript for open-file status, we will assign it a date, which will appear on this page. This date will reflect the original “publication” date of the report. A revision date and/or version number will be added and changed if a revised edition of the report is submitted at a later time. This allows us the freedom to make changes and corrections to open-file reports when necessary.
- Please include a Table of Contents with all manuscript submissions.
- Text with graphics in place should be submitted as PDF files. Excel or Access files are also acceptable. We cannot be responsible for compiling, editing, or peer review of documents that are to be published as open-file reports.
- Please submit a hard copy of all open-file reports/maps (excluding GIS data, Excel or Access data, etc.) in addition to electronic files, for placement online and in our library.
- If the report contains multiple files, especially if they are not PDF files, please include a Readme.txt file that explains the purpose of the files are and how they are orgainized.
- Authors retain copyright to their work presented as open-file reports. Publication of an article or compilation as an open-file report does not in any way preclude later publication of this material in another venue, either within or outside of the Bureau. The purpose of the open-file report series is to allow information to be made available as quickly as possible, with the understanding that this work has not necessarily met the stringent peer review and editorial standards of our more formal publications.