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Bulletin-32—Compilation of State Tax Law Relating to Oil, Gas, and Mining Properties in New Mexico

By E. P. RIPLEY, 1952, 79 pp.

The numerous inquiries received by the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and the State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources have indicated the need for a recompilation of the tax law relating to taxation of mineral properties within New Mexico.

Broadly speaking, there are three classes of taxes levied on mineral properties: (1) Ad Valorem and Production Taxes; (2) Severance Taxes, and (3) Sales Taxes. This recompilation will follow this division. In an effort to make the compilation of maximum benefit, reproductions of the forms currently in use by the Tax Commission and the Bureau of Revenue are appended. Decisions of the Supreme Court on the subject also are referred to. However, no attempt is made to cover court decisions in detail, their inclusion in abbreviated head-note form makes the full text readily available to interested persons. This compilation does not deal with corporate taxes nor the State income tax.

Citations are to New Mexico Session Laws and to 1941 New Mexico Compilation and Cumulative Pocket Supplement thereof (Boobs-Merrill Company, 1942) .

Note: This bulletin is of historical interest only.

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