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Dr. Virgil Lueth

Dr. Virgil Lueth
Emeritus - Sr. Mineralogist/Economic Geologist
New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
801 Leroy Place
Socorro NM 87801-4796

(575) 835-6333 fax

My position essentially serves as the mineralogist for the state of New Mexico. In addition to directing the activities of our world-class Mineral Museum, the mineralogist generates and provides information for professional geoscientists, mineral enthusiasts, and the general public. Dissemination of this information accomplished through personal interactions, public education, publications, hosting and attending meetings, in addition to pursuing original research in the fields of geochemistry, economic geology, and related fields.

(See Curriculum Vitae)

Professional Preparation

  • University Of Wisconsin At Eau Claire: Geology BS 1981
  • University Of Texas At El Paso Geology: Metal. Eng. Minor MS 1984
  • University Of Texas At El Paso Geology: Chemistry minor PhD 1988


  • 2000-current: Sr. Mineralogist/Economic Geologist & Director – Mineral Museum
  • 2013-current: Adjunct Professor: Earth & Environmental Science, New Mexico Tech
  • 1995-current: Adjunct Curator: New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science, Albuquerque, NM.
  • 2000-2004: Assistant Director for Public Outreach
  • 1994-2000: Mineralogist/Economic Geologist
  • 1988-1994: Assistant and Associate Professor: Tarleton State University (Texas & M)

Synergistic Activities