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GM-1 — Geologic map of Hillsboro Peak Thirty-minute Quadrangle, New Mexico

By Frederick J. Kuellmer, 1959, scale 1:126,720.

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This map extends from City of Rocks State Park to northeast of Hillboro, New Mexico. The rocks exposed in this area include Precambrian basement, a significant Paleozoic section, Cretaceous sediments, and extensive Tertiary volcanic an intrusive rocks. The region surrounding the towns of Hillsboro, Kingston, and Lake Valley has a long history of mining and mineral exploration. Source data for this map include Bulletins 33, 37, and 38.

Related 30-minute geologic maps of this region include:

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File Name Size Last Modified
GM-1_map.pdf 4.13 MB 02/05/2021 02:47:01 PM
GM-1_map-pal.tif 3.94 MB 09/20/2018 01:04:36 PM
GM-1_map.tif 28.03 MB 09/20/2018 01:03:16 PM