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Memoir 51—Geology of the Quebradas Region, Socorro County, Central New Mexico

By Steven M. Cather and Daniel J. Koning, editors, 2024, 189 pp.

This report describes the geology of six 7.5—minute quadrangles—Mesa del Yeso (Cather et al., 2004), Sierra de la Cruz (Cather et al., 2012), Loma de las Cañas (Cather and Colpitts, 2005), Bustos Well (Cather et al., 2014), San Antonio (Cather, 2002), and Cañon Agua Buena (Cather et al., 2007). These geologic quadrangles encompass about 950 km2 in what is known as the Quebradas region—the eastern part of the Socorro Basin and its uplifted eastern rift flank. The name Quebradas is short for las tierras quebradas—Spanish for "the broken lands." An apt physiographic description, the name is also appropriate in a geologic sense; the area is one of the most stratigraphically diverse and structurally complex in New Mexico.

Exposed rocks are of Proterozoic, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Middle and Late Triassic, Late Jurassic, Late Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary age. Tectonic episodes recorded in the study area include Proterozoic plutonism and deformation, Pennsylvanian (Ancestral Rocky Mountain) and Late Cretaceous-middle Eocene (Laramide) dextral-oblique contraction, middle Eocene—middle Miocene top-east detachment faulting, and Neogene-Quaternary rift-related extension. The structural geology of the Quebradas region is complex. Structures include (1) Laramide west-up reverse faults and associated fault-propagation folds, fault-bend folds, and monoclines; (2) northeast-striking zones of dextral Laramide strike-slip faults with linking contractile and extensional step-overs; (3) a regional middle Eocene to middle Miocene, top-east decollement developed mostly within the gypsiferous upper Yeso Group that is associated with splay faults and rollover anticlines in its hanging wall; and (4) Neogene and Quaternary normal faults related to rifting. The report also contains chapters on two mining districts (Socorro and Chupadero) and two coal fields (Carthage and Jornada del Muerto) that are present in the Quebradas region.


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