New Mexico Geology — Back-issues
Print ISSN: 0196-948X (prior to 2015)
Online ISSN: 2837-6420
Volume: 29, 2007
Number: 4
Optically stimulated luminescence dating an introduction (199 KB PDF), pp. 111-111.
— Kenneth Lepper -
OSL dating of a lacustrine to fluvial transitional sediment sequence in Valle Toledo, Valles caldera, New Mexico (2.30 MB PDF), pp. 112-116.
— Kenneth Lepper, Steven L. Reneau, Jennifer Thorstad, and Anne Denton -
Yet another atempt to date the Banco Bonito rhyolite, the youngest volcanic flow in the Valles caldera, New Mexico (1.04 MB PDF), pp. 117-121.
— Kenneth Lepper and and Fraser Goff -
Ages of Quaternary Rio Grande terrace-fill deposits, Albuquerque area, New Mexico (3.20 MB PDF), pp. 122-132.
— James C. Cole, Shannon A. Mahan, Byron D. Stone, and Ralph R. ShrobaData Repository: 20070001: < >