Socorro, NM
Each summer, the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources hosts a geology field trip for K–12 teachers called Rockin' Around New Mexico. The location varies every year. In July 2010, we were located in the Socorro area. In addition to classroom activities, we explored the local geology west of Socorro.

Peter Scholle (NMBGMR) gave a talk on energy resources that is available for download:
- Presentation (12 MG PDF version or 17 MB PPT version)
- Petroleum production data and graphs
- NM Energy Map (smaller version at right)
- Presentation on Mineral Identification (10 MB)
- Also see her presentations from previous Rockin' years and other venues.
Sue Bilek (NMT Earth & Environmental Sciences Dept.)
- Presentation titled "Earthquakes from New Mexico and Beyond" (10 MB)
Carla Burns (Ruidoso High School)
- Presentation titled "Volcanism in the Solar System" (5 MB)
- Please see additional presentations from the Heat from Within: Earthly Insights Into Planetary Volcanism conference held in July 2009 at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, Eugene Oregon.